Chapter 2

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I roll over and see George stood over me with a plate of food and a cup of tea. "Morning sleepy head." He smiles. "Sorry, I couldn't get to sleep last night." I rub my eyes and stretch. "It's alright mate, Poppie made us all breakfast, thought I'd bring yours up since Brittany and John are arguing over how much sugar to have in tea and the rest are watching." He chuckles.

"Is Poppie still here?" I ask quickly sitting up and almost headbutting George. "Bloody hell-" He jumps back. "No, she left for her lecture today. Are you sure yer alright? Ye seemed weird yesterday." He sits on the edge of my bed and puts the plate and the tea down. "Yeah-yeah I'm fine." I sip my tea.

"Right... Okay... Elsie called last night, gave her the address so she can visit some time." He smiles. "Oh that's nice." I smile and bite into the toast. "Yeah um, I think we are all chilling today, Paul's got to meet Eppy today bout somming but that's it." George smiles. "Alright cheers." I say and George leaves the room.

I finish breakfast and get dressed and walk out of my room, directly opposite Poppies. The door was closed, and most probably locked, so I went downstairs. "Morning Starr." Brittany winks and sips her tea. "Oh- good morning." I smile weakly. "How did you sleep?" She asks. "Um-.. alright, how bout you?" I ask and rinse my cup. "Like a baby." She giggles.

"Ay Britt, fancy showing me round the area in a bit?" John asks while walking into the dining room. "Oh Ritch, yer up at last. Sorry but your bird left earlier-"

"Bird?" Brittany raises her eyebrows. "Oh aye, Ringo was eyeing up Poppie all night." He chuckles. "No I wasn't." I frown. Brittany laughs. "She wouldn't be looking for anything, she's um-... She's focusing on university at the moment." She smiles weakly. "Oh right..."

"But she gets back and lunch." She smiles at me and winks. "That's true Ritchie, I think George is going out to meet his mother so it's just you and her." John smirks. "Nothing is going to happen alrigh'? Probably won't even talk to her." I sigh.

"If ye say so." He chuckles.

Lunch came around and as I was in the kitchen the front door opened. Before I got to the hallway she was gone and locked away in her room.

I decided to make an extra sandwich and walk upstairs with it and knocked on her bedroom door. There was no answer. "Poppie? I got you a sandwich..." I knock again. "Who is it?" I hear her say in her posh accent. "It's Ringo." I smile even though she can't see it. "What's in the sandwich?" She asks. "Um, cheese?" The door unlocks and opens and she peers round. "Th-thank you." She looks at me, her eyes looking sad with bags under them, and a bruise on her cheek.

"Are you okay? You um-" I touch my own cheek. "I'm fine." She takes the plate. "Well um- i-" The door is shut in my face. "You're welcome." I chuckle and walk downstairs.



I drop my magazine and flinch. "What the fuck...?" I get out of bed and open my bedroom door. I peer out to the darkness of downstairs. There was another bang. "Fuck John!" I hear a girl and sighs. "Bloody git" I go to close my door but see something unusual. "Fuck!" I hear a feminine moan. Poppies bedroom door was open, and there was no Poppie.

As I walk out of the room, Brittany walks out of John's room. "Oh- hello Ringo." She smiles. "Yeah hi..." I stand there awkwardly. She walks into her room and closes the door.

I push open Poppies door further and venture in. I find a lamp and turn it on and it reveals everything. Beatle posters are plastered on the walls, most importantly George. Her desk in the corner with books tucked away, literature, mainly Jane Austen. An extravagant dressing table with her hairbrush and her perfume and minimal makeup. Her wardrobe, with the door open, revealing her beautiful dresses and shirts, her tiny shoes lined up neatly at the bottom. Her record player sat on a dresser, which was filled with records, ranging from the Beatles to Barbra Streisand.

The sound of the front door opening makes me jump and I quickly turn off the lamp and run back into my room and close the door. I hear her trudge up the stairs and into her bedroom, sighing and sniffling. I really needed to know what was wrong with her.

I've Just Seen A Face {Ringo Starr}Where stories live. Discover now