Chapter 13- Im sorry

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"Andy?" I managed to breath out. His smile stretched wide. He kissed my hand and gives me a big gentle hug. He's followed by Juliet and the rest of the guys. I looked around, gathering my surroundings. I'm in a hospital, ok I can see that. Why though?

Just then my cheek bursts in pain a little. "Oww." I mumbled feeling my cheek. Instead of the warm feeling I would usually get, I get a soft pad feeling.

Oh. Now I remember.

I looked at my left arm to see bandages go to my bicep down to the middle of my wrist. Wow, I'm surprised in not dead by that.

"How you feeling?" Andy asked.

"Dizzy." I said softly. "Is it just me or are you guys standing on the ceiling?"

My head is splitting open and the whole room is moving. I feel like I might throw up.

"Just relax and focus on on thing until it goes away."

I nodded, squeezed Andy's hand for some reason, and stared straight ahead at a painting. I took deep breathes and tried to relax.

After a few minutes the room got back to being right side up and the pain in my head subsided.

"Jane about-" Andy started to talk but Juliet cut him off with a nudge of the elbow. I know what he was going to say but I don't want to talk about it. Just not yet.

"When can I go?" I asked. Everyone laughed a little. What was so funny?

"Just before you woke up we were talk about the stupid things you've done." Andy said, answering my silent question. I smiled, he's not wrong I've done some stupid things in my 18 years.

"Did you talk about the time I staged divided?"

"Yup." Jinxx said.

"What about the one where I punched the bitch square in the face?"

"Yeah. That's my favorite." Andy said laughing. I laughed along with him. That was my favorite as well.

"Back on topic." I said. "When can I get out?"

"Tomorrow." Andy said like it was the finally answer. I wanted to interject saying that I wanted to leave but he gave me a stare that said 'don't argue,' so I didn't. I don't want to argue it's just to much. So not wanting to drag this out I nodded.

"Get some sleep honey." Juliet said. "You need some rest."

I nodded again while everyone left leaving me and Andy. He nose back at me.

"It's alright," he said soothingly, "go to sleep. I'll be right here. I'll sleep here if you want me to."

I shook my head this time.

"No." I said. "When I fall asleep leave. You don't have to stay here."

He nodded and with that I closed me eyes to fall asleep. Within a second I was out like a light.


I stepped out of the bathroom wearing sweats, snickers and a baggie shirt. Thanks to Juliet who brought these to me. It was a good pick of clothes, when you get out of a hospital you want to be comfortable and this is hella comfortable.

"You ready?" Andy asked. He was the only one here. I didn't want the guys here because I didn't want to bother them. Juliet came by just to drop off the clothes.

I nodded and held on to his arm. It's a little hard to walk considering the room is spinning like last time.


I laid on the couch staring up at the ceiling. I don't want to move, my head is exploding, my arm kills and the room is spinning. Maybe I should of stayed at the hospital one more day. I felt something furry on my hand. I lifted my head a little to see Crow placing his head under my hand wanting to be petted. I scratched behind his ear and he started to purr. He then walked away over to his little spot on the window to watch people.

"Andy?" I said softly not wanting my head to fall off from the pain. "What time is it?"

"It's 3 o'clock." He answered with his voice growing closer. He kneeled down by the couch holding a steamy cup. "Here, it's soup. Be careful it's hot." I nodded and sat up as slowly as possible.

He handed me the cup and I blew on it trying to cool it done faster. I looked down at the cup. I want to say sorry. I need to say sorry.

I took a sip of the soup, placed it on the table and sighed.

"Andy, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for yelling at you, for not getting your permission for the tattoo, for treating you like crap, for running away, and for sticking up for Derek when you were right all along."

I looked at him teary eyed. All the things I said to him are coming back full force, running away, the fighting, and just being a bitch. I'm such an idiot.

He sighed and pushed my hair behind my ear and kept his hand there while he talked.

"It's fine." He said. "I shouldn't of yelled at you as well. I shouldn't of said the things I did about breaking up with Derek in front of everyone, blaming you about mom and dad. I'm sorry too."

He moved his hand away and I looked down at my own.

"You were right though, about Derek, he was bad news." I wiped the tears the left my eyes.

Andy gave a small laugh. "I know I was."

I laughed a little too. I looked up at him.

"Hey, can you sing to me?" I know it's weird but he's voice relaxes me when ever I'm stressed. I just want to relax. You can't blame me for that right?

He nodded and sat beside me. I rested my head on his shoulder and he put his arm around me. I closed my eyes and he started to sing:

'I open my lungs dear. I sing this song at funerals no rush. These lyrics heard a thousand times just blush. A baby boy you've held so tightly this pain it visits almost night missing hotel beds I feel your touch.

I will wait dear, a patience of eternity my crush. A universal still. No rust. No dust will ever grow on this frame, one million years and I will say your name. I love you more than I can ever scream.'

His voice then became faint and drifted into a deep sleep.

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