Chapter 28- The Edge

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"Well Jane, it looks like you've had a good reputation so far so I'm not going to ruin it with a call home or a detention."

I sighed with great relief and a smile curved slightly across my face. In case you didn't know, I have all A+'s, no tardy's or absences. I feel pretty proud.

"I know your parents," the principal, Mr.Lee began, "I've know them for a long time in fact. They're good people and id hate to see their reputation go down because of you."

My smile went away so fast it was like it was never even there. What have I done to get this sort of hate?

He motioned me out and I got up and out of there so fast you wouldn't believe.

I just want to know why everyone hates me. I understand my brother was a trouble maker but that gives them no right for them to treat me like crap for what he did.

I walked to my next class math and as I did I saw Josh in his class. He mouthed the words, 'You'll be okay.'

I looked away and entered class with everyone giggling at me.

I sure hope so.

I took my seat in the back only to get pelted with crumbled paper. I sighed and just stared out the window, just waiting for the time to run out.


I placed my lunch bag on the table and just sat there as Josh ate his lunch. We were at the back tables, the ones furthest from everyone.

"So how was class?" Josh asked me. I shrugged.

"It was alright." A lie. Another lie I told me best friend. Seriously I'm the worst best friend there is.

He looked at me while reaching into his pocket.

"Oh really?" It wasn't a surprised tone it was more of a 'bullshit' kind of one. He pulled out tons of papers and placed them on the table.

"I found these in the back of your math class room when I was helping your teacher."

They had doodles of me in them. Some with the word 'Ballsack,' we with a ballsack, or just 'cutter' and 'emo.'

Yeah, not pleasant.

I bit my lip and grabbed all of the papers and threw them away.

"There," I said, my voice cracking, "over and done with."

I looked away from Josh. I didn't want to see his face, it probably had pity all over it.


"Don't 'Jane' me. I'm fine, it's not bothering me. I'm just annoyed that they do it everyday. As long as someone is there for me, and well reassure me that I'll be fine then I'll be okay."

It was silent for moment until Josh said,

"Then let me be the one to look after you."

I looked at him to see him taking out a sandwich which from my lunch bag. He placed it in front of me. He pointed at it.

"Eat." He demanded. I pushed it away.

"I'm not hungry."

He pushed it back. "Eat. You're almost skin and bone. Eat it."

I rolled my eyes and started eating the sandwich. I finished and looked at him.


I got cut off by food being dumped on my head. A mixture of milk, spaghetti, and water made its way down my back and face. I wiped it away from my eyes to see Catlin standing behind me giggling.


I stood up and everyone laughed at me. I mean everyone, even the lunch ladies were holding back chuckles. Josh wasn't though. He was the only one.

I ran out of the cafeteria bumping into Catlin making her fall. I ran straight to the bathroom. I closed the door, locked it and leaned against it sinking down.

My stomach started to grumble and I stood up running to a stall. I leaned over the toilet and threw up. It was my sandwich. I guess since I haven't eaten anything in a week, that was just too much.

I wiped my mouth and got up and out of the stall.

I turned on the sink and stuck my head underneath it. I washed out my hair the best I could.

Once that was done I moved on to my shirt. I tried to get the sauce out the best I could but it still looked like shit.

Better than nothing.

I opened the bathroom door to see lunch just ended. I walked out and went my own way to class. I got there before everyone else, or so I thought.

"Oh look it's noodle head." Catlin said laughing. I didn't say anything.

Just ignore her. She'll leave me only if I keep my mouth shut.

She got closer to me. "Lost the ability to talk? Shame."

"Could you leave me alone." I said without thinking. "I never did anything to you."

She just laughed at me. Who wouldn't? I sounded so weak and soft, no one would take me seriously.

Just ten kids started turning the corner. At least I won't be alone.

Just then something tickled the back of my leg. It felt like a liquid or something. Was it water from my hair? No that would make any sense. I wiped the back of my leg and looked at me fingers.

Blood? From my cuts? No, that'd be from my stomach.

I felt the back of my pants which were soaking wet.

No, no, no, no not now. My period just started again. It's a week early, I wasn't expecting it.

Everyone started laughing at me, some started to gag. 'Eww gross,' 'Bloody Jane,' we're some of the words that were said.

Girls who've had there's started throwing tampons and pads at me. Catlin shoved on down my pants. Tears stung my eyes and I saw Josh staring at me in shock. He wasn't laughing, pointing, smiling or anything at all just staring.

I turned and ran down the hall. I wanted to die, to just rid the world of my presence. No one would care.

I ran to my house which wasn't that far, ran up stairs and went to the bathroom.

Once I was all cleaned up, I went to my room up stairs. I pulled out my razor and lifted up my shirt. I traced my fingers over the scars that I have already done and tears fell down my face.

I placed the blade on my stomach and watched as my white, pale, scar filled skin, turned into my favorite color.


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