Chapter 7- What really happened to mom and dad

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"Come on mom and dad! I wanna drive my new car and get you a special treat!"

I banged on my parents door and yelled. I wanted to drive my new car because I just got my license.

"We're ready just relax honey." My mom, Amy, said as she opened the door. "You're just like your brother. Always acting younger than he is."

I rolled my eyes annoyed, grabbed my keys and said, "Well he's barely around most of the time so how do you know if he stayed the same."

"Don't say that," my father, Chris, said stepping out of the room. "You know what he does takes up so much time."

I sighed. "Sorry." Not letting that mini lecture get me down, I opened the front door. "Come on let's go!"

They laughed and walked out and I walked behind them closing the door and locking it.


I pulled up to a stop sign and stopped the car to let other cars zoom on by.

"You're pretty good." Chris said with a laugh. I laughed along with him.

"Why do you sound so surprised?" I asked, in a joking manor. He laughed, I laughed, and so did Amy, who was in the back seat. I started to pull forward looking left and right, making sure no other cars were coming. It looked good so I started to drive forward.

"Jane look out!!" Amy screamed.


After that, the car flipped over and over again in the air. Then everything went black.


Everything was pitch black for awhile. A long while. I could hear voices, but I couldn't respond or move. All I could do was listen, but not think. Not think of where I thought I was, or just think in general. It was like a trance.

"Jane! Jane please wake up! I can't lose you!" A voice yelled. That same voice kept saying those same things over and over again. It was so low and raspy. Who...who is that? Just then there was a long beep sound. When that beep sound started it all started to go faint. The beep, the voice and everything else. The voice started to say something different at that moment as well.

"Oh god! Don't die please! Oh god no!" It said. With that, there was nothing. No noise, just the pitch black turning into pure white. Wait, die? Am I dying? Just then, the white immediately turned back into black and the noise started to come back. This time, however, more noises could be heard. The crying of someone, clicking of heels, shuffling of papers and a few sniffs.

Alright let's see if I can move. I tried to move my head, to no avail. Okay let's try my arms. Nothing. I tried opening my eyes. Well would you look at that. I can. When I opened my eyes, I got blinded by a bright white light. I squinted my eyes to get them used to the light.

After awhile they adjusted and I started to look around.

"Where am I?" I groaned in pain. Every movement of my head or mouth killed.

"Oh thank god." A voice to my right said. I slowly and painfully turned my head to the right to see someone. They're hiding my hand tightly, and crying. I focus in on them to see who it was.

Andy! It was Andy! I could see other people behind him as well. I looked behind him to see...the band! They're here as well!

"Oh thank god! Thank god, thank god thank god!" Andy repeated. "I thought you were dead."

I could see tears in his eyes. Tears that I've never seen before. Tears of sadness. Wow. He really did think I was dead. But there was something else in his eyes and in the guys' eyes as well. There's something else they're crying over. Or someone.

I sat up well, tried to anyway. Andy supported me and I gave a light smile.

"Why am I here?" I asked. I had no clue why I was here to be completely honest. My memory was so fuzzy.

Andy let go have my hand and started rubbing his palms of both hands on his legs, like he was nervous. Nervous for what?

"You were in a car crash..." He said.

Oh, right. A car crash. I remember now, vaguely. I was with someone to. Who was i with. I squeezed my eyes shut hoping I might see this all happening in my head. I don't sadly but I remembered who I was with.

Mom and Dad.

"Where's mom and dad?" I asked him. He immediately got up and rubbed the back of his neck. He turned his body to the side, staring at the ground. Why didn't he answer? What happened to them?

"Andy," I started, "what happened to mom and dad? Please....tell me."

Those last three words for him, I could tell. He froze. Didn't move any part of his body, he stood there like a statue. Oh no. Please oh god no don't let them be dead.

Andy turned his head to the band. They nodded and walked out. Why are the leaving? Andy what's going on? Andy sat down on the and held my hand. He swallowed hard and said, "They're in surgery. The doctors said that it will take a while and when they are out, it will take a long time for them to recover. You'll be all better by then so you'll stay with me until then, alright?"

I stared at my feet and questioned, "Why would you lie to me?"

I looked back at him, teary eyed. He lied, straight to my face. With that comment his eyes got glossy with tears. He was trying to hide it from me, trying to be strong.

"Why would you say that?" He asked, trying to hide it.

"Andy please." I pleaded with a crack in my voice. "Don't make this harder then it already is."

When those words left my lips, a tear rolled down his cheek. He nodded. Answering the question I didn't need to ask in words. It was already asked by the expression on my face.

Swallowing my emotions I asked one question. It would be the only one I could get out before I break down.

"Did they suffer?"

With that I broke down crying, both in pain, emotionally and physically. Andy brought my close to his chest for comfort.

"Shhh, shhh." Andy said comforting me.

Then, he started to cry.

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