Chapter 15- Shes hiding something

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Jane stormed out the car and into the house. What the hell did she mean by that? Did she know the girl that she fought? She's never said anything about a girl named Catlin.

I got out of the car and ran inside. I saw Jane enter her room and slammed the door shut. I rushed over and knocked on the door.

"Jane?" I yelled. "Open up. I want to talk to you."

I waited for a response, a grunt, a noise, anything. Nothing.

"Jane come on open the door! What the hell did you mean by again? What happened?"

Still nothing. What the hell was she doing in there?

Just then I heard a sigh from the other side of the door.

"She's just someone I knew," Jane said. "way back when. That's all. End of story."

Yeah sure. That's a load of bullshit, 'end of story' my ass. I pulled on the door knob. Why'd she lock it?

Jiggling on the door knob I yelled at Jane.

"Jane open the door so I can talk to you face to face."

"No just leave me alone. I told you what is true. So just go away."

I heard a slight crack and tremble in her voice. Was she about to cry? Why? If this 'Catlin' is just some girl why is she effecting Jane so much.

I sighed and walked away from her door and took out my phone. I should call Juliet, get some girl help. There's no way she'll take to me about any of the stuff that might be going on in her head. I dialed her up.


A- Hey Juliet? I need you to do something for me.

J- Sure what do you need? Is everything alright?

A- Yeah, kinda I don't know. It's just something happened with Jane at school with this girl. She said she doesn't want to be afraid of her again.

J- Wait again? Does Jane know her?

A- That's what I'm confused about. So could you come over and talk to her. You know girl to girl?

J- Sure. I'll be over in 5

A- Thanks. Love you

J- Love you

I hung up the phone and sighed, putting my head in my hands. Let's hope she'll get something out of her.


I walked over to my bed and fell onto it, on the verge of tears. I stared up at Gerard way while the song 'Bones Exposed' by OM&M blasted in my head phones.

This can't be happening, it can't be real. She can't be here, she can't be here. Why is she here? I can't do this again, I just can't. I might end it all this time. I rubbed my face. No don't think like that. I can do this, it's just one year until collage, like last time. Just one year until she's gone and out of my life.

I saw my door open out of the corner of my eye. I thought I locked it. Probably Andy and his fucking spare key.

I sat up and saw Juliet standing by the door way. What is she doing here? I paused my music, pulled out my head phones and asked,

"What are you doing here?"

Wow, that was a stupid question. Andy obviously called her over here, trying to get me to spill.

"I just came over to see how you are. You know I haven't seen you since the thing with Derek and that's been a while so.."

I tilted my head. She wants to lie right to my face fine, have your way Juliet.

"So how are you?" She asked. I shrugged, keeping my distance.

"I've been good. The scars are going away."

She nodded stepping closer.

"That's good. Look-"

I cut her off. "Ok you've seen how I was and I told you how I was. You got your answer now go and hang all over Andy."


My eyes widen at her sudden snap. Ok, so something is off like Andy said. I'll try to approach this gently.

I gestured my hand to the bed so I could sit down. She just shrugged and looked away as I sat down next to her.

"So Andy told me that you got into a fight, is that true?"

She nodded. Alright we're making some progress.

"So who was this girl?" I asked.

"Just some girl who fought me for no fucking reason."

I placed my hand on her back softly for comfort.

"You see, Andy told me you knew her. So she's not just some girl."

She laughed softly and shook her head. "Figures." she mumbled. I tilted my head confused.

"Yeah I did know her." Her voice raising. "She's just some girl who was at my school way back when."

She pushed herself off the bed and put her back to me as she looked out the window. I sighed softly. Give her time, she'll come around.

"Well," I said softly. "besides you knowing her, how'd this fight start?"

She turned to me with a smile on her face. I guess she probably won the fight considering.

"Well first......"

Jane started to tell me how the fight began. She goes on and on. Explaining how it started, what Catlin called her and did to her, and what she did to Catlin as well. With each detail she got happier, like she wanted to kill that girl. She finished and looked at me with a huge smile on her face.

"Wow." I said. "Good thing Josh pulled you off." She nodded, her smile slowly going away.

"You got those scratches from her I'm guessing?" She nodded again. I smiled at her while I said, "Don't you feel better now. That you told someone about this fight."

She nodded. "Yeah it does."

"So do you mind telling me how you know her?"

Her face grew pale, paler then it already is. She looked at the ground, terrified for her life it seemed. She swallowed and whispered.

"Ok if I tell you, will you promise not to tell Andy?"

I nodded. "Sure. I promise."

I'm keeping this promise. I don't want to hurt Jane by telling Andy she doesn't want him to know.

She held out her pinkie. I wrapped mine with hers and waited for her to start her story.

She drew in a shaky breathe and started to tell me about Catlin.

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