Chapter 23- Train tracks and Story time

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I slowly opened my eyes and rubbed them, trying to get them to focus. I looked at the clock on the wall. It's 8am and Jakes still asleep, better work fast.

I got up from the coach and grabbed my jacket on the table where I left it. Thank god I took it before Andy saw it. I was almost caught because of it, jeez. I put it on and started looking for a pen and paper.

I found them and starting writing my note for Jake, just letting him know why I left.

'Looks like you were right, I would sneak out. I thought about what you said last night, about talking to Andy when I sneaked out, and i'm sorry. I can't do it right now I need more time. I'm sorry for not keeping my promise, hell, I didn't even take it but it doesn't matter. Thank you for helping me yesterday and...I'm sorry you had to.'

I finished, folded it, and wrote "I'm Sorry" across it. I set it down on the table and let out a sigh.

I was about to walk out the door when Jake's dog started growling. I turned to see them behind me standing there, glaring at me like their telling me to stay.

I put my lip to my mouth and shushed them. I slowly opened the door and closed. They pounced on the door right after, barking and scratching. That would wake anyone up. Not taking any chances I ran from Jake's house.

I ran until I Jake's house was out of sight, then I continued to run 10 minutes after his house was out of sight just to be sure. I then slowed down to a walk and put my hands in my pocket.

I'm heading to the old abandoned shoe factory which is a long walk. I don't care, to be honest, a long walk is what I need right now to clear me head.


I got to the factory and walked around back to where the train tracks are. I hope today is a busy day for trains. If so, then they might just make me go to Andy faster then I planned.

I lightly kicked the rails that were sticking out waiting for a train. Suddenly, a train whistle could be heard in the distance. I smiled and put my hood on, tucking in my hair. I laid down on the train tracks. I didn't lay across it, I laid in between the two rails, parallel I guess you could say. I would be right under the train. I quickly make sure everything is in between the rails and closed my eyes.

Just then the train rushed over me. I started to laugh at the feel of the wind. The rush just feels amazing, it makes me feel alive.

It took awhile but the train finally passed over. I sat up and waited for the next train to come.

"Jane?" A voice said softly. My eyes widened as I stared at the ground.

I slowly turned my head to the right and saw Andy standing a few feet away. Tears start to form in my eyes at the site of him. The things I said to him rush over me like tidal wave, along with the things I did. I was so stupid, I know that now. I just want to erase what happened between us, erase what I did, start over, forget that fight ever happened, but I can't.

I can however, I can apologize. I can take the burden off his shoulders, take blame for everything and just be happy with him.

I'm not one for those cliché running hug things but screw it. I got up and ran to Andy. The tears that were once stinging my eyes are now falling.

He was walking towards me when I clashed into him, wrapping both arms around his neck. He stumbled back until we both fell to our knees. He took one hand and put it the back of my head softly and pressed it against him, he then took his other arm and wrapped it around me. It was the kind of hug that read 'I'm never letting go.' Good, I don't want him to.

I felt his lips on the top of my head and hot tears on it as well. I looked up, still crying softly and saw Andy crying as well. He looked happy, happy that he found me I guess.

I gave a light smile and he gave one back followed with a, "Hey."

"Hey." I said back with a bigger smile then before.

After a while he finally let got of each other and sat down. Now comes the hard part, what am I going to say? I haven't thought about what I was going to say. I didn't know he would be here so he caught me off guard. I guess I'll start off with a sorry and see where my heart takes it.

Andy leaned forward, wiped my tears away with his fingers and sat back down.

"Sorry." We said simultaneously. We both laughed and I tried to speak again.

"No I'm sorry." We said at the same time again.

"Let me go." He said. I nodded and he breathed out a long sigh and began.

"Im sorry for everything. For not noticing your scratches that Catlin gave you, not noticing you were hurting, just everything that caused...this. I wasn't doing my job as a brother at all. I was worried about you but never did anything, I just thought, I don't know. I should of sat down and talked to you. I at failed protecting you."

He let out a big sigh. He looked like the whole world was off his shoulders and he said all that he wanted to.

Some tears left his eyes so I leaned over and wiped them away. Just to return the favor. Now it's my turn.

"Looks like it's my turn." I said with a light laugh. "Us being here, doing what we're doing, is all my fault. I don't care if you say it's not but believe me it is. I shouldn't of said the things I did and I shouldn't of blamed you for the fight. If I never cut then THAT fight wouldn't of happened. It was all because of me. I know I can't take back what I said but I hope you'll forgive me. I know that fight will always be there in the back of our minds but I hope we can forget it. As for what you saw, well you saw not much you can do there."

I stopped and let out a shakey breath. The thought of him seeing my scars hit me hard. I started to cry again, the memory of his face when he saw them is replaying over and over in my head.

Andy leaned forward and wiped my tears away.

"Don't cry." He whispered. I nodded and sucked my tears back up.

Just then a thought came to me. How'd he find me? There's no way he would of cOme here on a hunch.

"Hey, how'd you find me?" I asked.

"Josh." He answered. My eyes widened in surprise.

Josh? Why him? He hasn't talked to me in 3 months and he tells my brother where I go to get away. What the hell is going on in his head? I thought he didn't care anymore.

"He cares about you Jane." Andy said, almost as if you read my thoughts. "He just couldn't talk to you, for reasons he should tell you. He might even like you, hell, he seems in love with you."

My heart stopped when he said that. Josh, in love with me? There is no way, we've been friends for so long. My ears just turned pick and my face grew hot. Oh jeez.

"Hey what do you do here anyway." Andy asked. I got out of my weird embarrassed emotion and smirked. I grabbed his hand and brought him to the train tracks.

"Lay down." I pointed down at the tracks. He looked at me like I had four heads.

"You're crazy." I rolled my eyes and laid down like I did before. He followed and our heads touched.

"Make sure everything's in." I said. It'll be while until the next train comes but you can't be too careful.

I should tell him, while I still have a chance. I mean she was the whole reason this shit show started. It would be great, to get that whole thing of my chest.

"Hey Andy," I said. "I should of told you this before but I'm telling you now."

"What is it?" He asked.

I breathed out a long sigh and started to tell him about the dreaded 4 years ago.

The year I meet Catlin.

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