Step One: Call Him Big Boy

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Chapter 1

There was three words that I so desperately wanted to say to him, I just didn't have the balls or the right social status to speak to him.

All I could do was stare as he passed me in the corridor or sat near me in class.

It wasn't like he didn't know who I was, I mean occasionally he would speak to me, to be honest I wish he wouldn't because it would go something like this,

"Hey, Hunter, can I borrow a pencil?"

"Uh yeah," I would hand him my only pencil and then say something stupid like, "It writes really well, fits perfect in the hand."

He would always laugh slightly then turn back to talk to some stupid bitch that I hate and I would be left with no pencil to write with and bright red cheeks.

I remember when we were fifteen he told me he loved my name and he thought it was really pretty. I nearly peed myself right there and then from excitement. But then he ruined it.

"In fact all your friends have pretty names." His statement made me want to cry for like forever.

That was the thing with me, I wasn't anything special I was just like everyone else. To get that boy's attention you would have to be an angel or something and trust me I'm more like the devil.

"Stop dreaming about Levi and help me with this." Maisie threw a paper ball at my head to snap me out of my day dream and held her maths textbook up.

"Maisie, I know I said I would help you but maths makes me want to stab myself in the eyes." I muttered and she sighed then let out a laugh.

"If you stab yourself in the eyes you will never see those beautiful green eyes of Levi's again." She mocked my voice and pretended to sit in a day dream.

"I am not like that." I demanded but she just burst out laughing.

"Yes you are. God, you should've seen yourself when he walked into English to get those books. You were practically drooling." My other friend, Dylan, told me as she sat down in the spare seat next to me.

"I couldn't help it! He got a new haircut! It brings out his eyes." I defended myself but my 'best friends' just rolled their eyes.

I think I was in love with that boy from the first moment his eyes met mine. I remember the day perfectly.

It was his first day and the start of the last term of freshman year. He got sat next to me in Geography and for about two hours I was his only friend. He laughed at my stupid jokes and always held eye contact. Damn those green eyes, they ruined my life from that day on.

At that age you could just tell he was going to be drop dead gorgeous but at the time nobody really agreed. However, soon enough the popular kids took him under their wing and the next day of geography he was sat up the back with the luckiest people ever.

As the years went on I fell deeper and deeper in love with him. I would change my route from different classes just to make sure I would get to pass him in the corridor, I would sit myself in a seat that would see him perfectly in the lunch hall and sometimes I would walk all the way to Dylan's house so that I could see him walk home.

I know, I know, I was so creepy but I mean I was in love. The boy had me totally under his spell and he had no idea.

"He totally knows. I knew the first day I moved here. I seriously thought that you guys were like a thing." Drew laughed at me as we spoke about my non existent love life with Levi.

"Did you guys all have a secret meeting about how you were all going to completely piss me off? Because it's working." I huffed and the three of them laughed.

"My hot guy radar just switched on," Dylan moved her arm from side to side then started to make a very rapid beep noise and her arm stopped, pointing at the entrance of the library.

I turned around to see who it was and suddenly I realised it is possible to get even hotter in the matter of an hour.

"Why don't you just talk to him?" Drew asked and I nearly choked on my drink.

"I spoke to him last, about a week ago and do you want to know what I said?" I asked already getting embarrassed.

"It can't be that bad..." Drew bit his lip.

"He asked what the date was and I agreed that the weather was nice." I sighed and he laughed so loud that Levi looked over at us.

"Shut up!" I whisper shouted. "He's looking!"

"I can't!" He laughed even louder. "It's just so cute and hilarious at the same time!"

At this point Maisie and Dylan started to laugh too which just meant more attention was drawn to our table, a lot of attention from Levi.

He walked past our table and eyed my three friends laughing then looked at me with my bright red face.

I quickly looked away as I somehow managed to turn an even brighter shade of red.

"Eh, Hunter?" Levi's voice sounded like a choir of angels.

I turned back to look at him and all my friends bit their lips to stop laughing.

"Yeah?" I replied, my face was still bright red and him talking to me definitely wasn't helping.

"I was wondering if I could borrow your geography notes? I would use Duke's but let's be real, his handwriting is a mess." He asked and my heart started beating fast. He could've asked anyone in that class but he picked me?!

"Uh yeah," I brought out my folder and handed it to him. "There you go, big boy." What the fuck?! "I don't know why I called you that, sorry."

I heard a laugh escape Dylan's mouth and she pressed her face into Drew's arm to stop herself from laughing.

"Uh it's cool. I'll give you it back tomorrow." He scratched the back of his neck then started to walk away with a small smile on his lips.

"Coolio, see ya then." I replied automatically. Levi turned around and laughed. I buried my face into the table. Why did those words even come out of my mouth?

"What. The. Fuck. Was. That?" Drew questioned, when Levi was away, with a laugh between each word. "Big boy? Coolio? Are you okay?"

"Aw leave her alone, she just gets nervous around the man of her dreams." Maisie winked and in that moment I knew that being buried six feet under was much better than calling a six foot boy that you are totally in love with, big boy.

How To: Not Get The Boy | Levi JonesWhere stories live. Discover now