Step Twelve: Blow Kisses At Drew.

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Chapter 12

Maisie sat with a small smile on her face as she updated Dylan, Drew and I on Nate's health at school. She hadn't been in all week but she came in since she knew Nate was okay.

He woke up at four in the morning the day before with a little bit of memory loss but apart from that he was perfectly fine, well close enough to perfect. He couldn't remember how he ended up there, how old he was or what his parents were called but he quickly regained most of his memory in the next ten hours.

"I'm just so glad he's okay, a week without him was way too long." Maisie laughed a little as she began to open a packet of crisps.

"Is he allowed visitors yet?" Drew asked her and she nodded her head.

"He's not in the ICU anymore so he's allowed to have friends seeing him. I'm seeing him after school if you want to join me?" Maisie offered Drew.

"I'll drive." He smiled and Dylan rubbed his back. It was just as hard for Drew as it was for Maisie. That was his best friend. If Dylan or Maisie ended up in a coma I would have no idea what I would do. No way would I be able to cope with that.

It was weird being at school with no Nate or Levi. They would usually be laughing and joking around loudly in the lunch hall but there was a sort of silence, like something was missing. For the last week two seats were empty at our usually full table but today some guys called Grayson and Cameron took their seats today

"Do you think it will go back to normal?" I asked the group. The group being Dylan, Maisie, Drew and anyone else at the table who could be bothered to listen to my crap.

"No." Maisie ate a few crisps then continued. "I hate Levi and I feel like Nate should too."

"That's harsh." Drew mumbled and Maisie drew him the daggers. " I mean I know he put Nate in a coma but Nate kind of provoked it." He shrugged.

"Stick up for that arsehole one more time and I will shove these crisps up your ass." Maisie warned and Drew put his hands up in surrender.

"I kinda agree with him." I whispered then flinched when she looked at me. She could be scary, really scary.

"I'm not saying that what Levi did was okay but I'm not going to hold a grudge." Drew shrugged and I agreed with him. Maisie threw a crisp at Drew so Dylan grabbed the packet off of her.

"Leave my poor boy alone, you meanie." Dylan cooed like Drew was a little puppy that needed protection from the evil that is Maisie.

Maisie stuck her finger up at Dylan then grabbed her crisps back and ate them quietly.

When school was over I went back to Dylan's since Drew and Maisie were off to the hospital to see Nate. We weren't very close to Nate at all and really there wouldn't be much point in seeing him. I bought him a card though that Maisie said she'd give him. She probably didn't. She'd be too busy crying or whatever.

"Hunter, I think it's impossible. You'll never be able to do it." Dylan laughed at me as I tried to fold the paper.

"No! I swear once in primary I folded it thirteen times." I protested but Dylan just grabbed the folded piece of paper from my grip.

"You folded it seven times, I think that's all you're going to get." She threw the bit of paper in her bucket along with all my other failed attempts. "Was that all you did in primary?"

"I went to a shit primary, man. The teachers just did not teach at all. I spent all of primary seven folding paper." I admitted and she burst out laughing. "Nate didn't know the alphabet until I taught him it. Even then I forgot to tell him that R was after Q." I shared my pointless story with Dylan and she just shook her head whilst laughing.

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