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noun ~ a time or program of special events and entertainment in honour of something

**mild sexual content**

Waking up in a new house was a strange thing. At first, I was confused about the lack of light; the darkness having me second-guess my watch's alarm. Then can the brief panic as I shot up in bed, causing Phoenix's arm to fall from my body and jostle him awake. As he jumped to sitting, a low growl erupting in his chest, all of my memory came back to me and I sighed away the fear.

"Sorry, I forgot where I was." I murmured.

His eyes flickered back to soft hazel, a small laugh of exasperation filling the room.

"It's okay." He smiled softly, moving to kiss my nose. "Good morning."

I shivered at the sound of his deeper voice. "Merry Christmas."

He groaned, rolling over, so he was on top of me. His hands fell to the side of my head, playing with my hair and running his fingers over my cheeks. I grinned up at him, my sleepiness fading as I remembered what day it was.

"So, my love, what is on the itinerary for today?" He chirped.

I giggled, pushing him from my body so I could sit up. I was damp between the thighs, sticky from where we forgot to clean up last night. Grimacing, I glared down at my lap with a wrinkled nose.

"We are showering."

He smiled sheepishly before agreeing and getting up to go to the bathroom. My first shower in the new house! Too exciting.

Squealing, I ran my way behind him, careful not to bump into his broad back when I entered the room. He was just setting the towels on the side, closing the cupboard door, when I approached. Sidestepping him, I ran into the shower and fiddled with the dials until the shower was just right. Now I was in here up close. I could see just how perfect it all was.

Above me was a huge, and I mean huge, shower head. It must've been about three feet long. Turning it on resulted in a huge downfall of water, much like a waterfall. The shower cubicle itself was wide enough for four Phoenix's, with some random jets along the tiled part of the wall that I had way too many questions to think about.

The tiles were all white, but the ones in the shower had small specks of gold like marble running through them. There was a bench shelf against the end wall, a smaller shower head above that which was controlled separately.

My attention darted to Phoenix as he entered, his gigantic form ricocheting the water in all directions. He smirked at me, pulling me under the current of the large shower head so that I would start to get washed. The water wasn't too soft or too hard, massaging my skin just right as I ran the shampoo through my hair. Phoenix had tried to pamper me and massage my scalp, but I knew where that would lead and I was far too excited about Christmas morning to even think about doing that again.

I had to let him wash the soap from my body, however, otherwise he would've given me the worst, most painful puppy eyed glare all morning. Ares, his wolf, took pride in grooming me, so I figured I would allow him the minor feat. As soon as he got too cocky, I took the loofah and wiped my own ass. Celimene was bristling, enjoying the light touches and care that he gave us.

He snickered, rinsing his body from the soap before walking out of the shower. I copied his actions. Taking the towel from his outstretched hand, I wrapped around my body and walked over to the vanity. The mirror was fog free, and I stared at my reflection for a moment, watching Phoenix dry himself from the corner of my eye.

Shaking my head, I washed my face and applied some moisturiser. I wore some light makeup, and hope that it would last me a good part of the day. I was fifty percent sure I may cry again later, so I chose a waterproof mascara just in case.

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