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noun ~ commonly a blood sucking parasite/worm

note- unedited

Coming to my senses, I was sat down in a chair, my head hazy from the vision. Lately, when training with Aldren, I started to develop headaches the more I tried to search. As much as he didn't like to admit it, I could tell it concerned him. And if what Dawn was saying was correct, I shouldn't have any more blocks on my gift. Perhaps I just wasn't strong enough?

Once the initial haze cleared, I looked around. It was no surprise that before me was a coffee table with the same blue tea seat before me, only this time, there were more mugs. The chair I was in was stiff and eager to get this over with, I stood and took a step away from it.

Scuffling met my ears and as soon as my body rightened itself, the room came to life. It was like a play, people moving about animatedly before me. At first I was confused, there were screams and growls, a mixture of what seemed to be fear and delight. Where was I? When was I?

"They're coming!"

I spun around just in time to see my grandmother bustling past the coffee table, barging past Dawn and two males.

"Who is?" The soft brown eyed man grunted.

"The babies!" Celimene gushed.

"Right now?"

"Yes! Have you not been listening?" Celimene grunted, slapping them upside their heads. "I have mentioned the day they are coming and you never listen! It is why the whole family is here!"

"What do you want me to do?" The brown eyed man wondered, setting down his cup of tea.

Celimene scrutinised him. "You stay here Dion, there is no need for everyone in there."

My grandfather Dion? It was the first time I had seen him. His eyes were a soft brown and hair a light mahogany colour, slight balding in the front. He was a chubby man, appearing short in stature from how he sat on the chair. The man opposing him seemed familiar and it wasn't until he turned around that my breath hitched.

"Cors, you stay here too. God know we don't need you meddling."

Cors snorted, his voice a gentle baritone much like the one I heard in my head. "I never meddle."

Celimene narrowed her eyes at him, crossing her arms. "I can see the future and the past, don't bullshit me child."

Cors smirked but stayed quiet, sipping his coffee. "Well, auntie, shouldn't you be helping?"

She observed him more, her distrust noticeable. "Yes. I am going right now."

She kissed her mate softly on the lips before moving to the door. Just as she slithered out into the hallway, she peeked her head back through, her fingers curling against the wood.

"Whatever you are thinking, don't do it." She warned before disappearing out of the room.

I slowly lifted my gaze back to Cors, more curious now than ever. He seemed uncomfortable, his tall stature comical to the seat he sat in. Dion cleared his throat, pulling a newspaper from beneath his hip and shaking it in front of him. My eyes caught sight of the date; it was February twenty-ninth; a leap year. Looking for a clock, it was late afternoon and I swallowed nervously. From what I remember, my grandparents died the night of my birth.

The two men fell silent, an awkwardness in the air. The elder wolf was absentmindedly reading his newspaper whilst Cors, whoever the hell he was, shifted in his chair. Dion cleared his throat again, causing Cors to snap his gaze towards him.

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