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verb ~ to have an impact on something

I had no choice. I had to find my mate. I had all the resources possible. There was a pack to back me up.

Cors caught my attention, smiling sympathetically at me. 'Nova, did you know witches can summon visions on others with sight?'

What do you mean? I wondered.

He shifted his weight, removing his hand from my knee. 'A witch is a very broad spectrum of magic-wielding people. But the easiest and most common way to explain is dark and light magic. Light magic is one of nature, the good, the literal light of magic. Then there is dark magic, conjured from spirits, vessels, voodoo... It can be powerful if it is ever accepted fully. A witch can do no good when they are filled with dark magic.'

What are you getting at here? I wondered.

'A lock of your hair and your photo was so Theia could get an understanding of your spirit. She practised calling for you for a while without tapping into the dark magic. But it was only when you two met at her coronation that she could successfully get a read on you.'

A read on me? I frowned.

'Theia is half-witch, meaning her powers are not very strong. She thrives on contact. Her magic is strongest and most channelled when she can feel her source.' He explained. 'I asked her of something she was not comfortable in doing, especially when she did not know why.'

She has a valid point. I cocked my head, my hand rubbing my stomach in comfort.

His eyes softened. 'I apologise for confusion. But you as well as I, know that meddling in such things can change them.'

You are avoiding the question here, Cors.

His eyes wrinkled with humour. 'You are so much like your mother.'

I fidgeted awkwardly, giving him a strained smile. I have been told.

Sighing, he caught onto the tension. 'I asked Theia to show you certain visions because they are important. One, I hoped, would explain the cause behind them.'

I furrowed my eyebrows, thinking through what I had seen. Her being burnt and meeting Cors in secret... It had been a while since, and I now saw why my grandmother kept a journal.

'I wanted you to see my reasoning. You saw the place Theia was in. She was being kept from her mate. From a rough family background. I thought you could relate to that. When things would eventually happen, I didn't want her to be a victim in your game. I know she appears strong now, but look how far even she has come in a year, too.'

I remained silent, allowing him to continue before I interrupted.

'It was also a way for me to slip into your dreams. Theia helped me get into your mind. She was my right hand in it. I helped her, she helped me.' He shrugged.

How did you help her?

'I told her what would come of her future.'

And what was that?

'It has already happened. He smiled. 'She helped me secure your future, your visions and, in turn, it was a mere domino in the effect of things.'

Continue... I quirked a brow, curiously.

'Well... Let me see...' He hummed. 'Your visions helped you want to know more about your future... And cause you to want to travel to your ancestor's home... Find the ring and the book, and unfortunately even getting swept up in all the chaos...'

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