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noun ~ a matter of interest, worry or importance to someone

She was here again. In the land of my dreams.

I eyed Theia sceptically, waiting for her to move, to say something. But she remained stoic, staring down at her bruised knees without emotion.

The silence was heavy, a thickness coating my throat.

I looked around the house, taking in the open plan living space once again. It looked the same to the bare eye, but when I walked around, things stared back at me. The too-many dishes in the sink, the scuffs of dirt and small patches of blood on the vinyl floor. The un-closed cupboards and disarrayed clothes and half hung curtains told me that the quietness had been around for a while.

If this was a vision, then I knew that I was safe.

I slowly took some steps towards her, crouching until I could see her face. She was sunken into the sofa; her face concentrated on her knees as she disassociated. Her hair was shorter, a small afro that reached her nape. Her dark brown eyes were unblinking, but the tracks of tears staining her cheeks told me it hadn't been that way for long.

Why was she giving me this vision if she was just sitting there? It was eery. Too quiet.

I was about to clear my throat out of sheer awkwardness when she moved. Her eyes shifted, closing as she deeply inhaled. Her shoulders straightened before she reopened them, staring blankly ahead.

I was wondering why, when a sharp knock came at the door.

Standing to my feet, Theia remained seated. Her shoulders were tense, her lips parted as a quiet "come in" filled the room. The door creaked, floods of moonlight entering the room. A wide figure soon blocked it, and I gritted my teeth when another hooded figure entered the room.

They turned around as soon as they entered to shut the door softly. I watched them curiously as they quickly scanned the front garden, their breaths quiet and even. My nose twitched, but yet again, nothing met my nose. I guessed they were male, going by the height and broad shoulders I could see through the cloak.

They didn't speak, coming further into the room until they were standing behind the sofa. Theia sighed, lifting her gaze to the hooded man.

"You shouldn't be here." She muttered. "He could smell you."

The man grunted, coming to sit beside her. As soon as his body met the sofa, his hood shifted and revealed a sharp nose and stubbled jaw. His hand came out to pull it fully off his head, revealing an all too familiar face.

My breath hitched, my eyes widened as I came face to face with Cors. His brown hair reached his shoulders, uneven waves as though they had been a last moment chop. His dark eyes studied her with about, and I waited for him to speak, to say something. Anything.

But he didn't.

He must've not had the ability in this timeline, either.

Theia watched him, her eyes glazed over before she blinked and spoke. "I cannot. I cannot trust you."

He grunted, and her eyes fogged again until they blinked and blazed with anger.

"I do not care if you think it is best for me. What about what I think?" She snapped.

His eyes narrowed, and I put the pieces together that she was using her magic to read his mind.

"Listen, I don't know you. You are friends with the King and work for the kingdom.." She sighed, huffing when he must've replied. "My mate, yeah, I know. Not much of a mate though, is he? I'm stuck in this house on the border of the castle grounds, waiting for the right time to come out? It's stupid. What is the King going to do to me? He can't touch me."

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