Chapter two

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3rd person pov

Nicolas, Yugi and the gang where heading to the game shop run by Yugi's grandpa.

Nicolas, Yugi and the gang where heading to the game shop run by Yugi's grandpa

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"Grandpa I'm home." Yugi said walking into the store.

"And I see you brought company." Yugi's Grandpa said

"Hell Mr Muto." Nicolas said

"Ah Nicolas so good to see you again." Yugi's Grandpa said

"Gramps, could you show my friends your awesome, super rare card?" Yugi asked

"Rare card? My special card? Hmm." Grandpa said

"Please! Please!" Yugi said begging

"Pretty please." Joey said

"Hmm.. Ha Ha! How can refuse." Asked grandpa before pulling out a small brown box.

"You kids are in for a treat. I don't take this card out too often. Ready? Here it is." Grandpa said before holding up the famous Blue eyes white dragon.

"The Blue eyes white dragon, so rare, so powerful, I never let it leave mu hands

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"The Blue eyes white dragon, so rare, so powerful, I never let it leave mu hands." Grandpa said before Tristan snatched it from his hands. (a/n to be honest I laughed when my ass off when he did that)

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