Chapter 22

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3rd person pov

After the most devastating lost of her  Yumi and the others where outside the castle gates trying to grab Yumi's attention but everything was not working.

"Come on. Yumi." said Tristan

"Why won't she answer us?" asked Tea

"I've never seen her like this." said Tristan

"She's totally out of it." said Joey

"Well, he did lose her only chance to save her grandfather. " said Yumi. Nicolas was looking out towards the steps  before Salazar walked over to him.

"What is on your mind my friend?" asked Salazar.

"It was that duel Yumi was in she was this close in winning if it wasn't for Seiko pulling that stunt that caused her the duel." said Nicolas lost in thought.

"Yeah I have to agree that was a nasty move Kaiba did." said Salazar.

"We have to do something  boss. It kind of pains me to see your friend like this." said Demise

"I know." said Nicolas who sighed and turned and walked towards Yumi and the others.

"What are you planning Nicolas?" asked Salazar.

"Listen Yumi I'm sorry for you lost but you can't get yourself down here take my star chips." said Nicolas.

"But wait Nicolas." said Joey

"Stay out of this Joey I made a promise to Yumi that I have her back even if it causes me some of my star chips." said Nicolas right before Mai showed up.

"What's this trouble in paradise?" asked Mai 

"It's Mai." said Tea

"What's up? If you guys have enough star chips to get into the castle, why are you hanging out here?" asked Mai

"It's Yumi. She lost her chips to Kaiba, and now it's like she's lost the will to go on." said Joey

"So the little girl finally lost one, huh. Lucky for you guys I came by." said Mai.

"And what do you mean by that?" asked Salazar

"Okay, now listen up. Especially you, Yumi. You got beat, but that doesn't mean it's the end of the world. When I got beat I thought it was all over for me, Too, but Nicolas  stepped in and saved my star chips and now I'm returning the favor." said Mai showing them extra star chips.

"No way." said Tea

"You said it. Without those you can't win the prize money." said Joey

"Hmm. I'm being kind, not stupid." said Mai showing them that she already had ten star chips.

"Ahh. She already has ten of her own." said Bakura .

No wonder she's being so generous." said Tristan

"Lay off." said Joey

"Now go on, Yumi take them. Earth to Yumi. Star chips at 12 O'clock." said Mai

"Yumi please take mine." said Nicolas

"What, are my star chips not good enough for you? Fine! Then I'll keep them! and you friends can wipe your nose all the way back to the nursery. Grow up! Sometimes you win! Sometimes you lose!" said Mai.

"Mai, don't get mad. You just don't understand." said Tea

"Oh, I understand. Your friend lost one lousy duel, and now she's to chicken to play again. Isn't that right? How pathetic." said Mai making everyone gasp.

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