Chapter seven

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3rd person pov

Nicolas was facing against Weevil Underwood a cheater in more ways then one. Before they had arrived on the island Weevil had thrown Yumi's Exodia overboard and Joey went in to save them almost drawing due to the waves but luckily Nicolas managed to saved him but in the process of recovering three pieces to Exodia and now he was going up against Weevil in his official tournament duel. The duel started with Nicolas delivering the first real damage to Weevils life points down to 1,800 but things changes when Weevil who some how managed to get his most powerful monster Great Moth  out on to the filed and started to wipe the floor with Nicolas's monsters.

"Hehehehe! face Nicolas you don't stand a chance against my Great Moth might as well just give up now a surrender theirs nothing in your deck that can save you from my Moth." Weevil said with a smug look on his face thinking he had this duel won.

"It's not over yet Weevil I'm still in  this. I draw." Nicolas said before he drew his card.

"This card will at least buy me some time until I come up with a plan." Nicolas said to himself.

"My lord what about the card you placed down a few turns back?" Ruin asked appearing next to him.

"She's right you haven't used the card in the past few turns." Said Demise.

"Your right I haven't used the card yet but I think it's about time I used it." Nicolas said.

"What's the hold up play your next card so I can blow it away on my next turn." Weevil said.

"Very well I set this monster face down and end my turn." Nicolas said 

"Now then my turn. Great Moth attack." Weevil said before his monster unleashed hi attack.

"Oh no Nicolas." Tea said from the side lines. The Great moths attacked hit Nicolas monster but it wasn't destroyed and Weevil's life points took a hit.

Weevil Lp: 1800- 400= 1,400

"What why did my life go down?" Weevil asked.

"The monster you just attack was my Neo Aqua Madoor with 3000 defense." Nicolas replied.

" Nicolas replied

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"Way to go buddy." Joey said

"Gah you are starting to bug me." Weevil said

"Funny you say that considering your deck is full with insects." Nicolas said

"To think that little runt is actually holding his own against Weevil is unheard of let alone lasted this long." Mai said watching the duel.

"You see Mai Nicolas knows way out of most jams." Joey said but Mai was ignoring him and continued to watch the duel. Meanwhile Yumi and the Pharaoh where having a little talk. 

"Nicolas is a fine duelist is he not?" The Pharaoh asked

"He is. He thinks of others before himself and is very talented. Once he stopped by the game shop and I was amazed on how he knew so much about duel monster. He even traded some some cards with Grandpa expanding the stores card sells." Yumi said

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