Chapter 11

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Demise Pov 

What was gonna be a simply tournament of a card game had turned more into that.  I watched how the boss was acting. He was calm and collected observing each of  his friend Yumi's playing style.

"Hey Ruin." I said

"Yes Demise?" Ruin replied.

"Do you sometime wonder what goes through the bosses head when he watches duels or is in one?" I asked

"Hard to say my friend sometimes I find my lord very calm and collected most time he speaks what's on his mind. He doesn't turn down offers of help and sometimes thinks ahead." said Ruin

"Perhaps but what do you think is going through his mind now?" I asked while I looked at the boss.

Nicolas Pov

This duel was more then star chips this kid had a thing against Yumi and I think I might know why. Finding out that the masked wearing kid was actually Mokuba Seiko younger brother. If I didn't know any better this was revenge for what she did to his sister during the first encounter. I should know I was there. 

"You will pay for what you did to my sister Yumi. You broke up my family, Yumi, And now, I'm gonna break you up. My first cardis the man-eating plant!" said Mokuba before his monster took to the field.

Now it's my turn. I'll counter your attack with the winged dragon, Guardian of the fortress!" Said Yumi while her monster took to her side of the field.

"Ha! Bad choice, Yumi. My man-eating plant will eat your dragon alive. so now, you're finally gonna pay for what you did, Yumi, And your stupid dragon's gonna be plant food. Man-eating plant... attack!" said Mokuba but Yumi counterattacked with her monster.

"Huh? My monster lost?" asked Mokuba

"You can't win a duel with cards that don't rightfully belong to you.

"How could your heart ever live in cards that belong to someone else? asked Yumi.

"Be quiet. I don't believe In that "heart of the cards" stuff you keep preachin' about. Cards have nothing to do with heart. said Mokuba.

"That's where you are wrong. It's not all about power you must understand that.  Let me ask you this why go so far in doing all this?" I asked

"Pegasus is trying to take over Kaibacorp.

"Pegasus wants Kaibacorp?" Yumi asked.

I don't know what you did To my big sister when you dueled, Yumi, But ever since that defeat, she hasn't been the same. She ran away 'cause of you, And with her gone, Pegasus moved right in." Said Mokuba

"It's all your fault! Seiko  deserted me' cause of you." said Mokuba

"You don't understand. Mokuba, your sister, hasn't deserted you. She's searching for herself." said Yumi.

Liar! Tell it to my monster! Go, crocodilus!" said Mokuba until his monster was destroyed.

"Battling me won't bring your sister back, And we want to stop Pegasus as much as you do. He's taken my grandfather prisoner." Said Yumi.

"That's right! Pegasus is the bad guy here. Can't you see that, you crazy little kid?" asked Joey.

"You're wrong. I have to protect my sister's  company, And Yumi's the one Pegasus has to beat In order to take it over." said Mokuba.

"Wait, I get it. Mokuba is trying to save his sisters company By defeating Yumi in a duel so Pegasus doesn't get to face Yumi at all!" said Tea

"What do you mean?" asked Triston.

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