Chapter eight

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3rd person pov

Pegasus sat in his castle looking at his pocket watch before letting out a little laugh.

"All over the island, My unwitting pawns are in place. The duels have begun, and by now... The slow process of elimination Is well underway. Only the strongest duel monsters players Will survive, and those of insufficient skill Will fall by the wayside." Pegasus said. Meanwhile on the other side of the island Nicolas and his friend where walking around the island until they came to a hillside over looking the beach. 

"Ok, bring 'em on. I'm itchin' to duel, and I'm takin' on The next player we see." said joey.

"You know, I'm not so sure joey's up to this." Tea said.

"Yeah, there are tournament-level players here. But don't you think he's smart enough to realize--" Tristan said before he was interrupted by Joey

"Here I stand, the next duel monsters champion!" Joey said

Oh, he needs a reality check." said Tea. 

"Guess he's about as smart as he looks." Tristan said.

"Give Joey some credit guys he's in this for someone he cares about I would do the same thing to if I was in position." Nicolas said.

"Perhaps you have aa point." Tea said. Joey was having a moment to himself about his sister and how he will do almost anything to help her even when they where kids. Nearby there was a lot cheering grabbing Nicolas and the others attention. looking over they say many duel monster stadiums and at each one where several duelist.

"Look there." Tea said.

 "Duel monster stadiums. Look at 'em. They're all over. " Tristan said

"You said it! Lots of dueling going on." said Yumi.

Right. I'm goin' in." Joey said. 

"You sure you want to do this? If you lose, you give up your only star chip. " Tristan said.

"That's right." Tea said while Joey  groans and falls to the ground.

"Don't panic. You can do this, joey. You do know that, don't you?" Yumi asked.

"Yumi's right you know." Nicolas said.

I hope you're right, Yumi. This'll be my first official duel, And I can't afford to get knocked out at the start." Joey said.

"True, but not everyone here is a pro. I'm sure you can find someone on your level." Yumi said

"Go for someone easy, joey." Tea said while Joey was looking at his deck 

"And I guess I should think about what kind Of field my cards are best suited for. They're mostly monsters and fighter types. I guess that makes this meadow region my kind of turf." Joey said.

"That's right, joey. See? You know what you're doing." Yumi said. Nearby the group heard a all to familiar voice coming from one of the stadiums. It was Mai who had just beaten another duelist and took his star chips.

 It was Mai who had just beaten another duelist and took his star chips

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