All lies live short

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Kazuha had already waked up so when i finally opened my eyes, i was alone. After dressing up and everything i walked outside. The air still felt a little cold but it was refreshing.

I just took the bows Gorou gave me yesterday and wanted to start working on them until i heard a slightly familiar sound.

Huh? No, it can't be. Or can it?

I stopped on my way and listened.

"...did you know that Watatsumi actually has an underwater part? I heard there lived an ancient civilization"

I rushed towards the voice that sounded oh-so-much like Paimon.

"Aether!" I couldn't believe my eyes.

Aether and Paimon... Here?! How did that happen? I thought we left them on Ritou?

"Huh, Y/n?"

"Hey, it is Y/n! So that's where they went when they ran off so suddenly without saying goodbye to Paimon!" She said sounding abit offended.

When i properly reached them, my first reaction was to hug them. But i was lowkey scared to hug Paimon because she's floating and so little. So i hugged only Aether.

"How have you been? What have you been doing?" I bombed them with questions.

"Oh! Let Paimon say! We saves Thoma from Vision Hunt Decree and now we are wanted too!" She sounded happy unlike the message she was giving me. Or excited, i couldn't tell the difference.

After some time of chatting, i led them both to Gorou. I left them there and went back to get something to eat. I kind of forgot to do that in the morning.


...Right now he's off searching for that whatever.

I would have sent you this letter sooner but i had no time to finish it. So i'm doing it now! We came to Watatsumi Island. It's really pretty here. 10 out of 10.

Me and Kazuha are perfectly fine and again, sorry for taking so long

-with love

Now that i have finished my letter, i'll ask if someone could deliever it to my parents.

"Aether!" I yelled when i saw him and Paimon passing by with Teppei.

"Y/n, hey," he answered.

"Aether i wanted to ask if... If it's no trouble then could you please take that letter to my parents? To Liyue? I marked the exact adress on it too. But only if it's not too much to ask, i know you have very urgent things to do and all..."

He sighed.

Oh no, it IS too much to ask! And he already has so many things to do!

"Fine, if it's for you"

"Really? Awh, thank you, Aether!" I hugged him and handed over the letter. They both then continued their tour with Teppei.

I had only taken a few steps before almost bumping into the one and only Kazuha.

Kazuha's POV~

"Aether is a really nice guy, isn't he?" I asked. Him and Y/n seemed to get along very well.

"Kazuha! Almost didn't see you there!" Y/n cheerfully said.
"Wait, Kazuha... Why are you back so early? Did something happen?"

Good thing i had my hands behind my back, otherwize she would have seen my right, already bandaged, hand all covered in blood. The thing was that in the frontline someone striked their spear perfectly into my hand. Like it was still a bit too little of a problem that it was my burnt hand, now it also has a greate wound in it. Since it's also the hand i hold my sword with, i cannot fight with it being wounded.

For the sake of Y/n's happiness, i wanted to keep it a secret until i would rebandage my hand. But after seeing her and Aether, i just had to go and see what they were up to.

"No, no, nothing happened. Just back early," i lied. I didn't enjoy doing it one bit but i didn't want to make her worry for me. And the cut isn't anything i can't patch up myself. So there is really no need for Y/n to know.

"You sure?" She asked, probably being a little suspicious of me.

"Absolutely sure," she better believe me. I don't know how much longer i would last lying to her.

"Okay, then. Want something to eat?"

"No, but thanks for asking," my hand was getting a bit numb for the time being.

Y/n, please don't make me suffer so much... You know i wouldn't do that to you unless i didn't kno- but you don't know it either.

Just don't make me regret not telling you even more...

"Kazuha, you okay?" I heard Y/n's concerned voice call me, "You look kind of... Not as confident as you usually do"

"Yeah, i'm okay," don't tell me she can read people...

"Are you like completely sure?"

"Yes, i'm sure"

"Really? Then why are you so pale?"

"I don't know, Y/n. Maybe i caught some cold?" I tried convincing her. But she raised her arm to my forehead, then to hers and back to mine.

"No, definitely not. But at least we have some pretty color on your cheeks now~" a smile formed on Y/n's lips.

"Stop it..." I shoved her hand away using mine. Which was a huge mistake.

Y/n's eyes widened.
"Kazuha, what... happened?" She sounded concerned, angry and hurt all the same time.

"What do you mean?" Please Archons, please that i was wrong and Y/n's didn't see the cut.

"Don't play dumb with me, you know what i'm talking about," this wasn't a question, it was straight up a stated fact. I didn't say anything.

"Come on, Kazu," she grabbed me by my other arm and started pulling me towards the room we kept the resistance's medical supplies in.

"Sit down," Y/n said while searching in the drawers for something. She came back to me with a bottle filled with antiseptic, a bit of cotton and bandages in hand.

She sat infront of me and motioned for me to give her my right hand. She searched for a moment before finding the end of the bandage. Y/n started unwrapping my hand from my usual bandage.

(This is the part you'll have to skip if you can't handle even a little bit of blood)

"Ssahhhhhhhh..." I hissed as she pressed the antiseptic soaked cotton onto my palm. She had successfully unwraped the bandage and was now cleaning the wound.

After minutes of me trying to not make any noise and Y/n doing good work with the cut, she finally moved on to rebandaging my hand. First Y/n put a soft cotton patch on the wound and then started with bandaging it. She did it slowly and gently, not wanting to hurt me any more.

(You weird people can read now again)

"All set up," she said finishing bandaging. I looked at it and it was just perfect.

"Thank you, Y/n," i smiled at her.

"Just next time don't lie and come to me, okay?"

"Okay," i nodded. I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek for a thank you and skipped off, out of the room, leaving her there, stunned.


Anyway, 1198 words

Good morning/day/night/evening and stay hydrated)

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