chapter 5

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I stared at the small creature before me. It bounded around the room, long tail wagging back and forth. Black fur toussled as it moved around on it's paws. Tounge hanging out of it's mouth, it faced me, staring with it's brown eyes. A puppy. My dad got me a puppy.
"I thought it would be good for you. Other kids have dogs." He explained.
" looks like a wolf."
"It is. I found it. Take care of it."
The creature gave a bark, and I stepped back. It took a step forward. A wolf. The door bell rung, and I flung it open, still staring at the wild animal.
"Hey, Cupid. C'mon in." I stepped aside, making sure to keep my eyes on the furball.
"What's that?"
"...a wolf."
"Why? You know what, don't answer that. Where's" he finally settled on a word.
"Kitchen." I said, glancing at him before putting my eyes on the pup again.
Death entered the room and sat on the chair that was placed in the corner of the room.
"Sit." He ordered, and we obeyed," now about my daughter not being a demon anymore..."
"I went to see the higher ups. The only way for us...not to hurt each other would be if I fall from grace, or she rises from damnanation. She would need to preform an act of good, though I'm not sure what. It would be painful, but I think we should try it."
"Absolutely not."
"What, why?"
"I know that I seem like a terrible father, but I draw the line at Sunder being in pain."
"Dad, I want to do it." I spoke for the first time in the conversation.
"No. If you rise, no one will take over the title of Death, and your position will be given up. Plus it's painful. This conversation is over. I will leave today, since you are better. Cupid...figure it out."
With that he left, and the door slammed shut.
"So...what's the wolf's name?"
"...I haven't named it yet."
"We should think of names. You write down yours, I write down mine and we trade?"
I nodded and we scribbled down some names. We passed each other the names. I looked over the list.
"Floofles? Seriously, Cupid?"
"Oh, c'mon! It's not like you're names are any better. I mean, Scarlett? Nothing about it is red!"
"Yeah, but your names are worse," I teased, "Floofles, Fluffy, Princess, Sparkle, Daisy? What kind of names are those?"
"Yeah, yeah. But you want to name a puppy, these? Slayer, Scarlett, Fang, Mutt, Wolf? You want to name a wolf, Wolf?"
"Fine, We'll think of new names. Ones that you'd call a kid."
" it a girl of a boy?"
"Girl. It's on the papers."
"Maeve, Carol, Melody, Francine, Oceana, Violet, Sonny."
"How do you know so many good names?"
"I, uh...I like to think of names for my kids, okay? Everyone does that!" I snapped, suddenly feeling embarressed.
"...I like Layla."
"Yeah, me too. Come here, Layla!" I called in a baby voice.
Cupid raised an eyebrow, but I was completely focused on the wolf. I whistled and Layla's eyes snapped to me. She pressed her ears to her head before slowly making her way over to me. When, she was close enough, I snatched her up, and craddled her against my chest.
"Never thought you'd like dogs."
"Who doesn't?" I whispered.
Cupid shook his head, and grabbed Layla from me. It looked odd. This amazing person was holding a small, skrawny wolf. Amazing is a strong word. Bleh.
I opened the fridge, and grabbed a food I'd never seen before. It was called cake. I cut myself a thin slice, and took a bite. Good. No, great! I shoveled the slice into my mouth and quickly washed the plate. Cupid was still playing with Layla, but there was something around her neck.
A purple collar was put on her, and a silver nametag hung from it. I left the pair in the room, and went to bed. I had information to process.

Cupid's pov

I put down the puppy, and stared at the door Sunder had gone into. I chuckled, and thought about what happened earlier. She was kinda cute. She thought of names for our kids. I smiled before realizing something. Our kids? Where did that come from? Ah shit. I do like Sunder. A lot.

Hey, guys! I'm sort of having writer's block right now. Sorry for not updating, and for the short chapter. If you have any ideas for what the next chapter should be, please comment or message me! Thanks, bye!

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