Chapter 13

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"oh my god. Cupid, stop. Cupid. Dude! Stop!" I smacked his hand away.

"Sorry, but it's just so weird that I can touch you now. Your like...human, but immortal."

"Still, you're creeping me out."

Cupid hadn't stopped touching me since I woke up. Everytime we were in the same room he brushed his hand on my arm or held my hand. I tensed everytime, waiting for one of us to burst into flame, but neither of us ever did.

"So... now that you're not a demon you can't go back to hell, but since you're not a god you can't go with me. What are you gonna do?"

"I dunno. I gotta get this mess sorted out. I don't think that I'll be able to use my scissors anymore. The title of death can go to my brother, but who will the scissors go to?"

"...I could take them, ya know, until you have a kid?"

 A kid? I'll admit that when he said that I imagined a little girl with his hair and my eyes. I mean, can you blame me?

"Oh...I guess that works. I'll go get them now." I awkwardly left the room with Layla on my heels.

"What am I gonna do? Everything is so complicated!" I told her, even though I knew she couldn't talk back.

Layla was getting kind of big now. She was almost to my hip, and she was still growing. I grabbed the scissors from my bedside table and looked at them. Slowly I opened them and pressed the blade to my forearm. Blood pooled in little droplets on top of the split skin. I startled, realising what I had just done, and quickly slapped a band-aid on it. I gave the scissors to Cupid and mummbled out that I was going to walk Layla.


The park was fairly empty and I let Layla run around in the doggie pen they had set up. I collapsed on a park bench and peeled back the band-aid. A red line ran across my skin and dried blood was splattered on the band-aid. Why? I don't even know why I did it.

"Hey, sis!"

I slapped my hand over my arm and tried to look casual.


"Dad's super pissed. Well it's not like you could do anything. Anyway, you're looking at the next Death!"

"That's great, bro!" I forced a smile.

"Somethings the matter with you..." He narrowed his eyes at me and sniffed. "Take your hand off your arm."


"Sis, please."

I hesitated, but did as he asked, and watched as his eyes widened at the cut.


"I don't know."

He looked like he was going to touch it, but his hand dropped to his side a few seconds later. I understand, though. He shakes his head and walks away from me.

"I'm going to think about things." he throws ver his shoulder.

I quickly grab Layla and quickly go home. As soon as I'm there I lock myself in my room. No matter how many times he knocked or what Cupid said, I didn't come out of my room.

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