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My body felt heavy, and when I tried to move my hand, I found that I couldn't. The only thing I could feel was something gripping my hand tightly. I tried to open my mouth, but it felt thick and numb. All I could manage was a small whimper, too quiet to hear. The thing wrapped around my hand twitched, and I felt something shift near it. A cold thing pressed against my cheek, and someone speaking.

"Sun? C'mon, Sun, open your eyes for me? I'll do anything."

 I'm trying! It felt as though my eyes were glued shut, and no matter how much I tried to pry them open, they just wouldn't move.

"Step away from her." A voice I did not recognise ordered.

Whatever was on my cheek and wrapped around my hand reluctantly pulled away, and I couldn't protest. Instead, I felt something hot press against my forhead and chest. It burned like hell, and I could feel my body twitch. It lifted off for a moment, before it was pressed into my skin again. I hissed, my mouth becoming unstuck, and thrashed, trying to throw what ever it was off of me.

"What are you doing! Stop! You're hurting her!"

"Shut up! Do you want her to die? I'm helping along the process. She needs to push the negative spirits out of her body."

I felt like my chest was about to burst. It then dawned on me. They were preforming an exersisom on me. The voices felt far away, but they still screamed. no! I don't wanna leave! leave us alone! it burns! stop it! My eyes were forced open against my will by something inside me, and my vision was blurry, but reds stabbed at me from around the room. My eyes rolled around in their sockets, and I tried to claw at whatever was burning me. I felt a huge tug from inside me, and all of a sudden it was like something just left. Like a huge weight was pulled off of me.

The burning ceased, and I fell back onto the bed, breathing heavily.


I tried to speak, but instead just made a soft moan and passed out.


I snuggled into the bed and breathed in deeply. Then I remembered what happened. I shot into a sitting position, making the bed creak in protest, and had to fight with a huge wave of dizzyness.

"Unhgh!" I groaned, mashing my fists into my temples.

"Sunder, are you awake?"

"Yea." I whispered.

The floorboards creaked as the god made his way over to me. He stopped at my side of the bed.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like shit."

He let out a nervous and worried chuckle, and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Sorry to hear you need anything?"

"Yeah," I held my arms out."Cuddle with me."

He stared at me for a second, but then wrapped his arms around me, and laid us down on the bed. I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes.

"Also, what happened to the nickname?"

"What nickname?"

"You were calling me 'Sun'. What happened to that?"

" you want me to call you that?"

"Yeah. I've never had a nickname before."

"Go to sleep, Sun." He whispered in my ear and kissed my forhead.


Sorry about the short chapter. So, I'm running out of ideas here. It might be a while before I update this one again. Well, bye!

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