chapter 4

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Cupid's pov

I'm such an idiot! One of the first things I was told was to stay with her 24/7! They wanted her to be sick! Maybe even for her to die! They are Gods! They shouldn't want anything to die!
"Cupid? What are you doing here? You're supposed to be watching the demon. Did ja give up? She must be awful, right? Probably a discusting thing with-"
"Shut it! I am not giving up! She is not discusting or awful! I am here to talk to the higher ups."
I left the girl staring wide-eyed and frightened in my wake. Gods and angels had to dodge me in my storm up to one of the higher ups. His collar was soon in between my finger, and he was staring at me.
"You better explain some things to me, and you better explain them soon." I threatened and let him go.
"Come with me." He said.
I followed him to a small cottage, and we sat at the table in the middle of the kitchen.
"So, tell me why I did not know that they couldn't eat human food. And why their wings burn off. Why they get sick around Gods. And why the hell you didn't tell me what happens when you touch their skin!"
"You touched her skin? Something happened?" He gasped.
"Yes! When I touched her skin my arms blistered and froze in different spots! Answer my questions!"
"We did not know that happens. No one has touched a demon's skin before. As for your other questions, they can eat some human food. Their wings burn off because that's what happens when one of us are damned. They get sick around gods because we harbor mostly pure energy. They harbor mostly tainted energy. Our energy is more powerful, and ends up forcing some of the dark energy out of their bodies over time. They cannot hold pure energy, so they get sick from the lack."
"And why the hell did I not know this?"
"It was too late to tell you. We did not know that you would be keeping a watch on the demon-er, Sunder" he said like it was a curse and my blood boiled. "Until it was too late."
"... i'm not coming back."
"I will not come back to heaven ever again. That should filter out some of the pure energy, and she wouldn't get as sick, right?"
"Um...I suppose, but you would still have some pure energy... you like this...this...thing, don't you?"
"She is interesting, I'll admit. And not nearly as horrid as you made her out to be. But I don't like her."
"God of love, and you can't tell when you like someone. In order for your relationship to work-"
"We won't have a relationship. I don't like her."
"-either you have to fall, or she has to rise."
"What do you mean 'she has to rise'? She can do that?"
"It would not be easy, but yes, she could rise. She would have to save someone. Not in a huge or small way. And it would be extreamly painful."
I sat there a moment before it registered in my brain.
"Why would it be painful?"
"All the tainted energy would leave her body, and repairing all the damage that was done to it while she was in hell would hurt her badly enough. Her wings would have to grow back, and pure energy would fill her, though her body in used to tainted energy."
"Oh... but it can be done?"
That was all I needed before I was out of there, gliding over earth.
Sunder's pov
I was stomping around the room when I heard the doorbell ring. I was feeling better, so I went to answer it, however I didn't expect the person who was standing in front of me.
"Old man."
"Sunder." He greeted me, his eyes boring into me. "You wanna invite me in, girl?"
"Oh, uh. Come in."
I stepped aside, and my father glided in, before seating himself in a chair.
"Ugh. It reeks of pure energy." He wrinkled his nose. "I heard that you were sick, and Cupid had to leave. I'll be around to make sure you don't destroy anything until he comes back. Got it?"
"Yes, father." I sneered.
"Why aren't you in school?"
"I'm sick."
"And I'm death. Let's go, I'm taking you to school."
Jerk. He drove me to school in a rented vehical, and decided that he would stay with me in school. I couldn't argue with him, though. He was my dad.
The class that was going on right now was the one with Gods and Demons. English. We had to learn about the different gods before we started the book of religious poems. Gross.
"Ms. Ties, why were you late?" She then noticed who was with me."and who is this? Your other teachers might not mind your boyfriend walking around, but he will not be permited here."
"This is my dad." I stated and glared at a group of girls who were throwing their boobs at him. Shiver. " he had to speak to me about an important matter."
"M-mr. Ties! What a pleasant suprise! It is quite perfectly timed that you dropped in. I must speak to you about your daughter."
"What about her?"
"W-well, she told the most preposterous story not that long ago. She said that there was a god named Sunder, and that only a small group of people know about it. She doesn't even seem the least sorry about the lie she told!"
"With all due respect, ma'am, my daughter did not lie. My late wife was from the village that Sunder is worshipped. My daughter was named after such a goddess. Some call Sunder a demon, though."
"O-oh. Terribly sorry for accusing Ms. Ties of fibbing. I hope you can forgive me Mr. Ties."
"Deamon, If you please." My father gave her a tight smile at his fake name. "It's quite alright."
Nobody liked to talk about my mother. Not even the worst of the demons. Even Gossip steered clear of that topic. Death stayed at the back of the classroom, occasionaly sending glares to students around the room. The day pretty much went like this, and at the end of the day we went back to my apartment.
"Sunder... Cinder is comeing to visit."
The glass in my hand dropped to the floor. Cinder. My brother. He despised humans, and wants to watch them burn. He hates me almost as much, because father deemed him unworthy of the title Death, and will pass it to me instead on my 20th birthday. The frightening man crouched down and picked the glass off the floor. He placed his hand over the brown liquid and it evaporated.
"Why?" I managed to choke out.
"He wants to discuss 'his birthright'." There were quotations around it. "He would also like to speak to you about something. Said it was between you and him"
I nodded and left the room as fast as possible as the door rang.
"Cupid? Leave. My daughter is already sick enough."
"It's urgent. I have found a way to raise her up! She can stop being a demon!"
Interesting. Very interesting. If I'm not a demon, I don't have to cut ties, or become death.
"Leave. We shall discuss this with my daughter when she is not unwell."
I didn't hear Cupid's reply, but the door was slammed shut. My father went back to the other room, and I curled up under the bed after quickly filling out my homework.

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