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Swiping away the sweat from your head you looked back from the work you had done, a proud small smile resting on your face as you looked at your quaint farm. The straw hat you wore made sure your eyes weren't blinded by the sun allowing you to see the beautiful farmstead without any interruptions.

It was a labor of love you had used a better part of your life on, and you would never regret any of them as every day your farm and pride grew more. With yourself as a boss, natural products you could consume yourself or sell to the rest of the world and a calm and quiet workplace who wouldn't want to live like this?

Picking the straw out of your mouth you would look while your animals peacefully graced in the grass or in their stalls, having as much of a care in the world as you did. Which wasn't much. While your many varied crops grew nicely in the sun, your smile would waver slightly at seeing some having nibbles on them. Darn critters, they always manage to slip through whatever you put up against them. And that's not even mentioning half of it.

You shook your head, already feeling a migraine coming on if you continued thinking about these troubles. Opting to ignore them for now as you instead looked honored at the number of varied foods you have managed to cultivate and keep not just alive but also let thrive.

Wheat, melons, carrots, an annoying Brunette, corn and-

Wait... an annoying brunette?!

Your eyes widened as you looked back at the carrots, said brunette freezing for a moment as the brown bag in her hands let a few carrots that awfully looked like yours fall on the ground.

One of her big ears twitched as you narrowed your eyes. "Hey-"

She grinned at you before quickly making a run for it, still holding onto the notably hefty bag. Dropping the straw you held you quickly chased after her, your hat falling off in the process.

"Hey! Stop, that isn't yours!" You yelled, jumping over the fence which the girl had jumped over just seconds before.

"Finders keepers!" She yelled back.

"That doesn't even make sense!"

Even with the heavy bag the girl still managed to keep outrunning you, her notable thick legs sprinting over the fields faster than any human ever could. But it wasn't like she was completely human either.

You had almost completely left the farm in your pursuit, the forest not far coming ever closer as you tried to pick up your speed. Knowing that if you just went on for a little longer you could finally grab this stealer for once-

But just as you could feel your hand touch the soft fluffiness of her puffy tail you tripped from a small hill into a slightly bigger river, tripping and getting dirt on your clothes until you landed face-first into the shallow water. But at least you weren't hurt badly.

Your thief had jumped over the river, turning to look down on you as she dropped the bag after bursting into a fit of laughter. Having to hold onto her stomach as she keeled over.

"Haha! Did you seriously forget this existed?"

You glared at her, struggling but slowly getting up from the murky water. "You'd better watch your tone brat."

She let out a yelp, blowing her tongue out at you before picking up the bag and making a run for it. As you climbed out of the river you discovered the thief was long gone, most likely having fled into the big forest in front of you. A place that was completely foreign to you.

Knowing you weren't going to track her down or the carrots you sighed as you returned to your farm.

Remember that unmentioned other half that messed with your crops? That was the bunny hybrid girl with unique red eyes that just ran off with a bag full of some lost profits and grub, and this wouldn't be the first time she did something like this.

Apparently, humans weren't alone in this world, co-inhabited by what can only be described as another subtype of humanity that possessed animal-like traits, from cats to dogs to – you guessed it – bunnies. Though they were vastly different from their purely sentient animal counterparts like an ape was to a human. Though they were torn between living in the cities alongside humans or in their own civilizations deep in the wilderness. Like the forest now behind you.

You didn't have anything against them, even if one of your constant encounters with them was a good-for-nothing thief. If anything you wanted to know where she constantly went so someone could give her a taste of the law, because it wasn't like you were going to receive much help here in the practical nowhere of humanity for a few carrots.

Picking up and putting back on your straw hat you let out a puff. "Dumb selfish city-dwellers..."

But with your busy schedule you had no other option but to repair what hadn't been stolen and hope whatever defenses you add next will prove more effectively next time the inconsistent bunny decides to make a visit.

Mousetraps worked pretty well for a moment if the amount of Kuso's said anything, though at a certain point she managed to somehow wade through the pain until buying any more mouse traps became a sinkhole of money on its'd think she would be more careful but nope, nothing seems to get between a bunny and some carrots.

Back at the farm you swapped your clothes before laying your fallen ones in the rest of the dirty clothes pile for later cleaning, wanting to at least look a bit proper as you did the rest of your farming duties before getting a new straw to put in your mouth.

The day went peaceful again, a reminder of what you loved about this little place in the world as the sky darkened. Signifying it was time to rest. You glanced back at your farm one last time for the day, knowing that despite the struggles you were facing nothing would break your love for it.


Animals grazed and crops grew without any large big-eared creatures swooping them away as you were enjoying a nice cup of your favorite morning beverage while reading the newspaper from the nice fox mail girl, the cheery orange-haired and big glasses wearing hybrid possibly half the reason you didn't have anything against hybrids and a stereotype breaker with how impossible it was for her to ever be sly.

If only stereotypes didn't count for your other local hybrid...

Not letting the migraines even gain an inch you went back to browsing the local news, intending to enjoy your morning when knocking on your door broke you out of your bliss.


Visitors surprised you to say the least as it wasn't very common to come across anyone out here, or perhaps it was someone intending to do business with you? Although most of the time they preferred to use the phone or have you be dragged to their offices in your old school truck that had lost much of its paint.

Putting down your drink you walked to the door, surprise shining in your eyes when you saw none other than your classic carrot stealer standing in front of you. Her face looked down to the ground looking incredibly embarrassed as two taller bunny-hybrids a man and a woman stood at either of her sides with smiles on their faces, one of their hands on one of her shoulders respectively.

"Hello!" The woman began. "You must be the nice farmer our daughter always helps." Her tone darkened as her shoulder grip on the thief and apparent daughter tightened, with the latter beginning to sweat an incredible amount. You were almost impressed.

"Would you mind if we come in? We have much to discuss with her and it is only right her employer is there to give their two cents, wouldn't you agree Akko?"

Bunny Hybrid Akko x Farmer Reader: Love will Grow from these CropsWhere stories live. Discover now