Chapter 2: Get to Work!

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Loud snores left a certain brown-haired hybrid as she soundly slept in the foreign guest room, yet this change had not done much to offset her in any way as she kept on dreaming. Woefully ignorant of the work she had to begrudgingly start soon and rather keeping them in the back of her mind as her dreams of carrots and warm grass made her feel safe, cozy and in utter peac-

"Rise and shine Atsuko, we need to get to work fast less you never want that debt repaid!" You announced as you almost practically slammed the door to the guest room against the wall.

Akko meanwhile woke up with wide eyes, jumping into the air before losing her balance and falling on the ground. A groan quick to leave her lips. "W-What?"

"Cows need to get milked, that means you are going to get to work." You elaborated.

Standing up Akko rubbed her face as her ears went forward to cover her while she made her way to the window, eyes widening again as she saw it was pitch black outside. "H-Hey, the sun isn't even out!"

"That's cause it's four AM in the morning."

Akko turned to you with a terrified look on her face. "F-Four AM?! Who the heck wakes up at such an hour!"

"We do, though to be frank I discovered yesterday that my milking equipment broke so that's why we're going to have to work by hand and work early to prevent the schedule from getting messed up." You said.

"M-Milk by hand...?" Akko asked as you could see the color drain from her face. "What's even working at a normal time for you?!"

You crossed your arms. "You heard enough, now clean yourself up and report to the barn. It's time to get to work and repay your debt, it's going to take three months to clear it all up." Leaning forward you intensified your stare. "Unless you want to stay here longer?"

Akko looked like she wanted to continue arguing as she raised her finger, only to make it drop at the mention of the debt. "Right...can you at least give me some privacy?"

"Certainly." You started to walk out of the room, deciding to not comment on her pink pajamas with carrots on them, or the strange big orange thing that was hidden in her bed even if you're curiosity got the best of you. She seemed particularly defensive about that with how she immediately tried to hide it the moment you walked in.

Shrugging you started to make your way to the barn, unlike a certain hybrid you weren't going to involve yourself with other people's stuff.


Frustrated grunts left Akko as she continued to try and fail at milking the cow, the normally peaceful animal swaying its body with how uncomfortably Akko pulled while she just continued to silently complain. She looked into the bucket, eyes narrowing as she had yet to even make a decent puddle of milk.

Akko pulled harder on the cow's udders only for that to upset the beast enough to push her with its body, making her fall alongside her stool and barely filled bucket onto the dirt ground.

A glare arrived on Akko's face as she jumped back up on her feet. "You mean dumb co-"

"So how's everything going?" You asked as you walked into the barn.

Quick to receive the volley of Akko's anger. "It's your stupid cow not listening, they don't give anything and are extremely rude to me!" She turned back towards the animal for a moment, looking at the bored animal like it was enjoying her torment.

"Well that's not good at all, I can't have you spending all day here." You noted.

A small smile fell on Akko. "Oh? Does that mean I perhaps shouldn't do-"

Bunny Hybrid Akko x Farmer Reader: Love will Grow from these CropsWhere stories live. Discover now