Chapter 7: There was an Attempt

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The first thing you noticed when you woke up in the morning was a lack of loud snoring, or a lump attaching itself close to you. The bed seemed completely empty safe for you and Comrade Carrot. "Akko?" You rubbed your eye, slowly leaving the bed as you got no response.

Picking up your clothes for the day your attention was drawn to the window as clanging noises came from outside, one of your eyebrows raised up in curiosity as you saw Akko near the crops. Not eating or even collecting them but seemingly hammering at some kind of...machine? Hurrying up your usual ritual of dressing yourself you were quick to make it down to greet Akko and discover what she was up to now.

"Ah!" Akko held a big smile as she turned to see you walk up to her. "Finally decided to wake up huh? Good! I was waiting all morning to show you my latest contraption."

"You're telling me you didn't need to be woken up for once?" You commented with mild surprise.

Akko send you a small glare, though more in a joking way than she used to glare at you as she still sported her smile. "Watch it, before I use it on you too."

You crossed your arms. "Alright, alright. What is "it" anyway?"

Akko walked over to the machine, patting it on its top. "This is my latest solution to our little pest problem, no more shall any bunny, raccoons, mice or any other animal endanger the harvest from its ultimate potential!"

"Huh, only one day fully recovered from your sick month and already back at work? You sure you shouldn't take it at least a little easy?" You said.

"Nope! I feel as fit as a fiddle and ready to get back to work."

"Well if you say so," You walked over towards the machine. "What does this thing actually do?"

Akko ducked under. "Glad you asked," You heard the sound of a button being pushed before the machine started whirring. "and what better way to explain it than to show you?"

You squinted your eyes as you saw the machine ride away. "Hey wait a second, is that my old lawn mower?"

"Shh, my genius is happening." Shushed Akko, going as far as planting her finger against your lips. "Look, our first catch of the day is approaching right now!"

A small mouse hopped over the grass, seemingly making his way towards your crops. When the loud blaring of the former land mower seemingly scared him away as you felt yourself going half deaf for a moment.

Akko cheered. "It worked! So good it didn't need to use its actual weapon!"

"Me and my peaceful sleep can't help but have reservations over its use." You commented, rubbing the inside of one of your ears.

Akko waved her hand at you dismissively. "That can be fixed in improvements, the important thing is that it works."

Your eyes shifted towards eating noises coming from your crops, rather amused than annoyed eyes proceeding to look back at Akko. "You sure about that?"

Akko followed what you pointed at, her eyes widening. "H-Hey! Bad Kiki, stop eating from there!"

Yet the pet bunny seemed to have no care in the world as it continued on munching, not even caring about the loud noises the lawn mower continued to blare out.

"Can't win them all huh?" You chuckled, patting a fuming Akko on the back.

"Not if I have anything to say about it, and I do!" Akko pulled out a box with a single button on it, pressing it and surprising you as the lawn mower proceeded to let out two giant pinchers.

Your face went blank. "Uhh Akko, are you sure this is safe. That's still your Kiki you know?"

"Of course it's safe, it will just pick them up gently and put them far away from the crops!"

The grass the pinchers picked up and threw half a mile told you otherwise, yet you decided not to comment.

Luckily for you and Kiki – but unluckily for Akko the lawn mower hadn't even moved into the garden with its pinchers when it stopped moving or making any sound. Everyone looked at it silently when it suddenly collapsed in on itself.

Akko was the first to react, tears streaming down her eyes. "Noooooo, my invention!" She ran over to it, cradling the broken pieces like it was her own child. "I took all night to build you!"

Meanwhile you and Kiki had walked or hopped up to Akko, the latter nuzzling her leg while you placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Well like you said, it could still use some improvements right?"

Akko pouted, yet looked more saddened than childish. "I wanted to help, yet all I did was waste time..."

Her expression tugged at your heartstrings, making you reel back with a sad look on your own. Eventually you let out a sigh, kneeling down next to Akko. "You know, I still appreciate that you wanted to help me like this. Though next time maybe ask me before you have a grandiose plan like this again."

Akko looked at you, her eyes still wet. "Really?"

" know what? I'm going to the city for some big buying later this week, how about you accompany me and help me with some stuff there? I bet we could get some parts to repair and improve your machine too." You proposed, your smile returning.

Akko let her mouth drop open. "I'd love that!" She jumped up high into the air, higher than anyone else with those legs of hers. "I love the city, finally, some real fun work!"

"Hey now, it still is work you know." You interrupted, yet still upheld your smile.

"Yeah yeah, trust me. When we are there you'll see how much I'll really be in my element!" Akko boldly proclaimed.

"Sure, we'll see." You started to pick up some of the pieces of the broken lawn mower. "Now how about we clean up all this before getting back to our long-awaited regular day?"

Thrown out of her stupor Akko formed a sheepish smile. "Oh right, y-yeah let's do that." She proceeded to kneel down, helping with gathering the materials that were scattered about while Kiki had resumed eating her fill.

"I do wonder, where do you even have the knowledge to build something like this?" You asked.

"Let's say I spend a lot of time with a very infectious dog-hybrid that likes to build stuff...surprisingly enough she isn't as yappy as most dog-hybrids!"

"Pray tell, she does sound like the interesting figure."

"Well, she is my friend for starters!" She giggled, Akko's ruby eyes glancing at you for a moment while you weren't looking. A small smile and blush coated her face before she realized how long she was taking to continue talking, even stopping her work for a moment. "A-Anyways, let me think what else is there..."

Bunny Hybrid Akko x Farmer Reader: Love will Grow from these CropsWhere stories live. Discover now