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"Well, we may have taken longer to visit again than expected. But that only meant more time for Atsuko to rid away her debt," Akko's father would lean in. "so, did she make some use out of herself to finally pay it all off?"

"Oh right...the debt." You noted absentmindedly. "Yeah, I suppose it is."

Akko's mother tilted her head. "Is everything ok? You two have been looking pretty stiff ever since we came in."

Akko opened her mouth. "W-Well you see mom, uhh..."

"Now that you mention it, I'm seeing it too." Her father would comment.

You two would sit in silence, not knowing what to say next especially when you had to get it over with that hey, I'm dating your daughter/the farmer I worked for!

A smirk would form on the face of Akko's mother. "Oh, I see what's going on. You-"

Before she could continue Akko stood up. "WE'RE DATING!" She sat back down, avoiding the wide eyes of her parents. "...It had to be said."

Rubbing Akko's back you would continue. "To be more accurate, we've kind of been dating for almost a whole month now. We discovered we really clicked with each other, even if we are total opposites at times."

"It makes it all the better," Muttered Akko, crossing her arms. "they make the world that much less scary. And even if you disagree I need that kind of support to get through."

"Well, enough support that it doesn't mean I have to hold your hand constantly. Cause that needs to be done for me half the time." You joked, earning a playful punch from Akko.

"Yeah, it really isn't that bad when it's with this clown!" Her smile turned into a determined frown as she glared at her parents. "So no matter what you say nothing is going to stop me from staying with the one I love!"

Akko felt her glare fall as her parents looked on with starry eyes. "Uhh..."

"WE'RE SO PROUD OF YOU!" They both exclaimed, jumping over the table and embracing you and Akko in a hug.

"You..." Akko started.

"Are?" You ended.

Her mother would pull back. "Well of course, why not sweetheart? If anything we are proud of you for finding someone you can be happy with."

"Besides, you found quite the reliable partner just from what we've seen." Her father would pat you on the back. "And if he does mess with you we know his weak spot." His eyes would narrow towards your recovering carrot farm.

You let out a chuckle. "Well there will be no need for that, I do genuinely love her." Your hand would interlock with Akko's, making her smile at you. "She's unlike anyone I've met before, and that strangeness of her just lures me in."

"Wonderful, just wonderful." Akko's father clapped. "We hope you have a truly happy life together, it's the least we want for our daughter."

"Of course sir."

"Now," Akko's mother would grab Akko by her free arm. "as lovely as this all is we do hope you don't mind if we take Akko back for a few weeks, we do want to catch up to our daughter and all that she has experienced."

"Yeah of course!" Exclaimed Akko. "I have so much to tell!"

"We are just dating now anyways, see where this goes before we do anything major." You said.

"Of course, here's hoping you two won't end up in too many fights." Hoped Akko's mother.

Akko laughed. "Oh trust me we are going to fight a lot, someone has to be the smart one for the dunce."

"Wow Akko, I didn't know you had become this humble." You held a small grin.

"Exactly! ...hey!" As Akko saw her parents looking too concerned however she instead opted to let out a chuckle. "Eheh, it's weird I know but only makes it better, promise."

"They'll get used to it...hopefully." You hoped back, not wishing to give either of them an aneurism.

"Well...whatever makes you two happy." Somehow her mother still managed to opt a smile, before looking at the door. "Anyways, shall we go?"

Letting go of Akko's hand you would turn to her. "Yeah, I guess this is goodbye then?"

Akko would giggle before pecking a kiss on your lips. "For now, don't act like I'm going away forever!"

"I'll try...I'll still miss you a lot." You said in a softer tone.

Akko would nod a little. "Me too, I promise to visit you real soon."

Akko's mother would place her hands on her daughter's shoulders. "You two are too cute you know? Still any good couple needs their space."

"Yeah, I guess you're right mo-"

"Your new lover does need all the time to prepare for when your time arrives, bunnies do reproduce a lot!" Her mother added with a smile a bit too big.

A big bright red blush would instantly appear on Akko's face." M-Mom!"

She however just started to push Akko away, turning to you. "You should visit too sometime, Akko's siblings would love to meet you!"

"I'll...look into it." You carefully accepted, trying to hide the own heat coming from your cheeks.

As the bunny family was about to leave you and Akko would turn to each other one more time, for a moment in blissful silence.

You slowly tried to raise your arm up for a goodbye wave. "Se-"

Akko however grabbed your shirt, pulling you into a full-mouthed kiss you were quick to join in on. Once it was over Akko winked at you before joining her awaiting parents, stealing your wave.

Well hey, you could always make another.

Something you can't say over Akko, and you wouldn't have it any other way.


A week or so had passed since Akko went back to her parents, you didn't want to call yourself clingy but it was just as hard not to say the farm didn't feel as lively as it did before.

You would still take care of Kiki, the bunny having once again grown quite a bit. Nowadays safely hopping around the farm while you would work, and stealing any food if you didn't keep an eye on her.

Still, it was without Akko. No matter how many times you would check your bedroom, the guest bedroom or even any other part of the farm hoping she would be there waiting for you. Probably doing something that would either be incredibly dumb or charming, maybe even both.

And yet, she would never be. With you throwing yourself back in your work to distract yourself from the loneliness that was never before this oppressing.

"INTRUDER! INTRUUUUUUUDER!" You were just finishing harvesting some crops when Akko's lawnmower guard rushed over to you, only doing this when it found a threat it couldn't handle (which Akko would claim would never happen but better to be safe than sorry) so it could inform you and deal out the blunderbuss. Insisting on its use.

Of course half the time it was just a car passing by or something barely dangerous, still grabbing the empty gun you let the lawnmower guide you to the threat. You could use the walk anyways.

The carrot farm was soon in sight, and as you looked around at what the lawnmower was screaming about now your eyes would widen while you dropped the blunderbuss upon seeing her.


Munching on a totally not stolen carrot while leaning over the fence. She swallowed before grinning at you.


A bright smile would soon form on your face.


The End

Bunny Hybrid Akko x Farmer Reader: Love will Grow from these CropsWhere stories live. Discover now