Chapter 8: The Big City

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"Woohoo! We're finally here!" Akko exclaimed as you stopped the truck, not even making the vehicle go silent before Akko had already run out. Kiki strapped to her chest upon her insistence to bring the pet with you, considering her family.

Locking it you proceeded to join Akko as she continued cheering, already making a few passersby send her strange glances.


"Now Akko I know you must be excited but we are still here to do our job first."

Akko rolled her eyes while still smiling. "Like I don't know that, can't blame me when the city always has something entertaining around the corner."

"Just making sure you remember, now come on, we have to get to the market." You would take the lead, unfurling a note from your pocket and proceeding to look at it while you ignored the rest of the city. "Need to stock up on some seeds and see how the competition is doing."

"Ok." Akko said before she would follow your lead from behind, mostly sightseeing with her smile still on or making a tour for Kiki with her own commentary. Watching people pass by, the windows and lights shine through the sun, or the different buildings all bunched up to each other yet not enough to make it look or feel awkward.

However, Akko started to slow down as the buildings started to look eerily familiar. Even after you two had walked quite a bit. "Wait a second..." She turned to you, saying your name. "I think we should stop and look where we are going. Because right now we just ended up back at the same street from a few minutes back!"

But you just continued walking. "Don't worry, that's normal. Always happens when I visit this city, regardless we only need a few quarters or so before we arrive at the market."

Akko began to sputter. "Q-Q-Quarters? Meant to walk in circles?!" She ran to you and snatched the note you were constantly looking at. "Gimme that!"

Scanning the piece of paper it definitely seemed like a decent map of the city...from years ago. "You've been using this to guide us?! This thing's ancient!"

You just shrugged. "It works for me decently, why fix what's not broken?"

"Because even if it isn't broken it's way past its prime," Without delay Akko shredded the paper into pieces. "I'm going to ask."

"Whu- What was that for?!" You exclaimed, holding the torn map angered at Akko. Yet she had already walked up to someone far away from you, seemingly having a small conversation with them before walking back to you still holding a small smile.

Which dropped immediately, even Kiki looked at you like she held some kind of scorned judgment. "You want to know where the market is?" She pointed to a street behind you, and a little to the right to the end of it...

"Oh, looks like they moved it. Last time that happened it took me a good hour to find it with my map." You turned back to Akko, your anger seemingly gone. "I'm going to dock your pay for a new one by the way."

But Akko had already returned to holding a pleased grin. "Consider it a gift."

After arriving at the market Akko proved she was a better compass than any old map again as she guided you to whatever you needed to find. The process went incredibly smoothly than before to the point the sun was still out as you and Akko returned back to the truck and loaded your catch, even having those things Akko wanted for her machine.

"Well...I got to admit Akko, without you we wouldn't be done so fast." You said, smiling at her.

A laugh left her as she petted Kiki. "Don't mention it! Really even if you weren't my boss I'd probably still help you, no one deserves to take that long for some small shopping."

Bunny Hybrid Akko x Farmer Reader: Love will Grow from these CropsWhere stories live. Discover now