Chapter 24

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Lexi's POV

i've basically been in bed all week. i've only gotten up to eat or pee and i've only left the house twice- wake and funeral. i haven't even gone to volleyball. no motivation or strength to get up.

Cam has been over a lot. i've forgiven him and we're all good now.

i feel like day by day is getting worse. you'd think it'd start getting a little better by now...NOPE! not at all!!

i have no strength. it's crazy and unbarring. i'm driving myself crazy by not doing anything but i physically can't get myself to do it.

my house has basically been dead silent. nothing is going on around here. mom's work gave her time off to mourn..she's basically locked herself in her room, as i did too.

i was woken up from my nap by Cam. He took the blankets off me and opened my blinds.

cam- " rise and shine sweetheart!"

me- " get away from me!" i yelled grabbing my blankets back.

cam- " girl, you need to get up!" he said sitting on my bed.

me- " no i don't!"

cam- " Lexi, go shower and put your bathing suit on and lets go on the shore!"

me- " no, i'm staying here."

cam- " you can't just sulk in bed forever! i know it's hard but this isn't the solution!"

i groaned and got up and went into the bathroom. i looked at myself in the mirror and i looked terrible! i got into the shower and omg did that hot water feel amazing!

i soaped up and got out.

i walked to my closet wrapped in my towel.

cam- " that's my girl. you already look 10x better!" he winked.

me- " who said i looked terrible?!" i questioned crossing my arms.

cam- " no, you didn't, you just looked even better now!" he stuttered out.

i just laughed and went into my closet. woah first time i've laughed this week! it kinda felt good.

i walked out of my closet in my suit and my stomach made the loudest noise ever! like how did my little stomach produce such a big noise! it kinda scared me!

cam- " are you hungry? whens the last time you ate? and don't lie to me!"

me- " 2 days ago? yesterday maybe. no clue."

cam- " LEXI!" he yelled at me " you need to eat you can not do that to your body. come on lets go.!"

he dragged me into the kitchen and opened the fridge. it was literally empty. he went over to the pantry and mostly everything was gone.

he ended up making me a pb&j sandwich. he sat there and watched me to make sure i ate the whole thing.

me- " okay. i'm full i can not eat all of this!" i said putting down the sandwich after like 3 bites.

cam- " no! you're so hungry that you're not hungry anymore. you have to eat this! " he said pushing it back toward me.

i finished it about to puke. we then headed out to the beach. it was so bright outside. i wasn't use to it. i stole cam's sunglasses off his head and put them on.

we sat in the sand and let the water run up our legs. i have to be honest it was really relaxing and actually made me forget for a little bit.

we sat out there for like an hour till we decided to head back up. we went into my room. from this week he's started a collect of clothes at my house. we both changed and he brought me outside and into the car.

me- " where are we going?"

cam- " grocery store"

me- " why?"

cam- " to buy groceries for your house! did you not see how empty everything was! and i can tell your mom isn't planning to go anytime soon!"

i caught myself starring smiling at him. he's honestly the sweetest guy ever!

cam- " what?" he laughed noticing me starring.

me- " nothing, you're just so...incredible!"

he smiled and rested him hand on my thigh for the drive.

we stocked up the fridge and pantry so i don't starve anymore. now i know Cameron will be up my ass about eating!! he hates the idea of being too skinny, or not eating.

We hung out in my room until dinner time and he made some food. He made chicken with salad and angel noodles. We attempted to get my mom out here to eat but she wouldn't so we brought her a tray of food and i saw happiness on her face for the first time in a while. That made me really happy.

30 minutes later she texted me and asked to come grab her plate, she didn't have enough energy to get up. I went in there and she thanked me and i grabbed her plate. it was basically licked clean. i can tell she hasn't ate for a while and that makes me upset!

i wash her plate then go back upstairs with Cameron.

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