Chapter 1 - Beginning

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Chapter 1

What is normal? Webster's dictionary suggests that normal means to conform to a "particular standard" or "desired pattern."

People who abide by the laws, social norms, and morality of the particular society, are normal, and those who don't are "abnormal." Most people view normal as embracing the "human condition," the desire for love, respect, freedom, belonging to a family and community. They also hope to achieve success, peace, satisfaction, and happiness, —-and to be free of pain and suffering. When asked what normal means, most people will provide some answer that supports the status quo, conventional wisdom, the herd mentality.

Our story begins on a regular day much like any other, one peculiar girl woke up and went to school. Interacted with the same people and did the same thing she always did upon waking up.

Followed the mundane routine of an everyday lifestyle of the 21th century. Nothing was meant to happen because nothing ever happened until it did.

Her name was Mia Abernathy and she is our main protagonist of this story, the center of the upcoming storm. The one who changed her whole life and fate by just straying from routine, which was as simple as choosing a different path to go home.

Mia had hazel eyes, and regular brown hair. Nothing special about her, in fact she had a general rule to survive High School and it was to stay low, stay quiet, keep it simple, don't expect too much, enjoy what you have.

It's just the way she was and so far it had worked so as the saying goes if it aint broke dont try to fix it.

Who would have thought that a simple change of path would impact her life so much. It all happened one late afternoon, she had decided to get a shortcut while going home.

Mia can still remember it so vividly, it was cloudy as the sun was about to set. The time had changed, nightfall happened a lot faster than she was usually used to.

She had lost track of time. It was windy, the streets were full of people yet as Mia walked through the alley home they started to lessen until there was no one around.

That didn't phase her, she preferred to be alone anyway. Yet there comes a moment in every young woman's life when they realize that it is not always wise to be alone. And that day was the moment she realized that walking alone just as the sun was setting was not safe.

There was a group of boys not far from her. They were loitering, in the way. They were loud and rough looking. Mia being Mia decided to brave it through. It would look suspicious if she were to turn. They were probably harmless and were just chilling away. Who was she to judge?

But they were not chilling and they were not harmless. The moment they noticed her jeers and catcalls started to fly. They started to follow her, their eyes predatory. No matter how fast she walked they kept at it until they surpassed her, halting her movements and before she knew it she was surrounded.

So one can imagine what happened next? A single girl surrounded by 10 or so guys who felt like harassing someone that day. It just so happened that Mia was the only stupid enough girl that decided to ignore her womanly instinct and brave it through.

Before long Mia was thrashing and fighting her way out yet was completely overpowered in no time. She can still remember how hard and cold the floor was. Can still remember how dirty her clothes have gotten and how hard she had screamed wishing that someone would hear. And just like an angel sent from heaven Mia prayers were answered.

"Let her go" he had said, making everyone halt, all eyes going to a raven haired boy with a snapback over his feathery black hair or at least that's what it looked like from her position.

His fingers were inside his front pockets looking relaxed and not overly bothered by the fact that he was facing 10 or so guys.

"Who the fuck are you?" A guy from the group had asked

"Mind yah business pal" another one had spit.

Mia seeing the perfect chance to escape with all the guys now distracted with the guy, she hit the guy holding her down in the knee making a run for it yet just as she could almost taste freedom another guy close by grabbed her wrist roughly stopping her successfully. Making Mia wince at the intense pain that sparked up her arm.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" He spit angrily, yanking her towards him, making her gasp.

"I said let her go" the raven haired boy had warned once again.

"Or what big guy? Gonna glare at us some more!?" One of them shouted, making the boy smile.

"No I will have to get physical so please let her go before I teach you boys that women aren't your property"

"You know what I'm tire of this fucker" one guy shouted sounding annoyed "let's teach him a lesson!"

Just like that all attention was turned towards the stranger who didn't even seem phased by the group of guys taking out blades. All except the one holding Mia down.

Mia remembered thinking that this guy was insane, wouldn't it be easier to just call for help. Who in their right state of mind would take ten shady looking guys like this.

Yet as the fight took place right before her eyes she realized why he didn't run away.

The first guy who attacked had somehow missed, allowing the raven hair guy time to grab his arm, twist it and grab his knife in one fluid movement. The second guy also had the same ending but was hit across the face with one easy relaxed kick knocking him out. Seeing this the rest decided to attack at the same time yet he somehow knocked each and everyone of them like it was nothing but a nuisance and not what it was which was a dangerous street fight.

Once the others were out cold he calmly walked towards the kid holding Mia, making the kid swallowed hard, hold on her weakening. And before she could react he let go completely making a run for it escaping with his tail between his legs.

There was a moment of silence where Mia processed what had happened, the boy not moving a muscle. Until her legs suddenly decided to give up on holding her upright shock finally taking over her system, as she realize that she was almost about to get raped and yet was somehow miraculiously rescued.

"Are you ok?" Speaking of the devil, said rescuer walked hesitantly towards her, hand still in his damn pockets. Getting one out and extending his hands towards her helping her stand.

"Did they do anything to you?" He asked as Mia stared at his hand blankly for a second until she hesitantly took his hand. She felt herself being easily pulled up like she weighed nothing, a hand coming to steady her when she lost her footing for a second.

"Yeah--- I-- Yeah I don't think--- I--- thank you" Mia said looking up to his face seeing half his face being shadowed by the cap on his head tilted away.

"I--- who are you?" Mia found herself stupidly asking making the stranger smile sweetly lips looking soft and wet as he spoke.

"You don't need to know that but I'm glad that you're ok" he warmly answered making her crooked her head to the side confused and intrigued, shock and fear already slowly getting out of her system. Somehow feeling safe with this strange boy.

The new intriguing strange person, a perfect distraction to her mind.

"Why?" Mia asked, her voice not louder than a whisper making the smile the boy had widened.

"It's a secret" he answered winking before he backed off, turning and walking off.

"Wait--!" Mia tried to stop him but he didn't stop. He kept walking and before long he was out of sight.

She blinked looking down eyes focusing on a puddle to realize it was night, the moon reflecting its beautiful full self right into it. Making her realize it was a full moon and that it was seriously late.

So without a second thought she grabbed her things and ran home. Mind still going all over the place trying to place that mysterious boy and somehow wishing that it wasn't the last time she saw him.

If only Mia had known that that was the moment that set everything into motion, that would completely change her life. Disbanding any hopes and dreams of having a regular normal life.

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