Chapter 8 - Been Watch

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Chapter 8
Been Watch

Mia blinked her eyes opened, slowly coming to and focusing on a dark ceiling.

She rose up groaning when her head started to pound, as she moved the curtain to see the time of day. She saw the sun going down which means she's been sleeping for a really long time.

She got up taking notice that someone had being in her room and upon further inspection of the house it wasn't a hunch anymore it was a right out fact.

She shook her head dismissing it as Eliza since she remembered being brought home by her. As she entered her room again she froze when she turned her head absentmindedly towards her balcony door, she had to take a double take when she saw a human shaped shadow standing right there.

The worst part was that the balcony door was opened, her curtain moving along with the wind in front of the figured making her swallowed hard.

The shadow didn't look right it was humanoid but it had something coming out of its back that made it looked all wrong in her head.

What was worst than the odd shape of the shadow was the eyes, they were a frightening red. The sunset flare was right behind it making it impossible for Mia to make out any feature other than the eyes, making the shadow a lot more intimidating and frightening. Mia's was frozen in place, she wasn't able to look away as the thing stared at her unblinkingly.

"Oh you're awake" someone suddenly said from behind her making Mia jump a mile in the air turning fast towards the voice to see Eliza standing there relaxed and confused as Mia looked at her frighten.

"Are you alright Mia? Is something wrong" she asked concerned walking over her making Mia open her mouth and close it unable to truly explained what was at her balcony door. So she turned about to point to it when Mia realized there was nothing there anymore. The shadowy figured was gone.

"Oh yeah sorry I thought I saw-- you know what never mind. What are you doing here?" Mia asked changing the subject not really ready to accept what she just saw, but Eliza caught up.

Turning to look at the balcony door then at her looking unsure and suspicious now.

"I when out to get some take out since I didn't feel like cooking and I was sure you wouldn't either" she said walking more into the room yet her eyes didn't leave the balcony door, something dangerous dancing in her eyes making Mia nervous. She's never seeing this side of Eliza. Mia watch her walk toward the balcony door as she made small talk.

"What did you bring?" Mia asked voice sounding soft and nervous even to her own ears, Eliza standing right on the doorframe of the glass door outside face unreadable.

Mia saw her inspect outside carefully, shoulders set as she took some steps back and close the balcony door roughly making Mia startle back.

"Chinese" she suddenly said casually turning to look at Mia like nothing had happened a smile splatter on her lips, looking relaxed.

"I was surprised to learn your parents weren't home, are they on a business trip again?" Eliza asked as she goes to sit on the bed leaving Mia dumbfounded and confused unable to keep up with her moods.

For a second Mia could have sworn she saw Eliza's eyes changed colors to a dark red before she blinked it away.

"Yeah I forgot to tell you with this whole mess" Mia said walking closer to her and sitting down as well choosing to ignore everything deciding to deal with it later.

"Is it actually for a business trip or just for fun? Remember last time how they made up the fact that it was for work and came back glowing like two teenagers who ran away together" She chuckle making Mia smile bitterly at the memory.

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