Chapter 6 - Aggressive Play

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Chapter 6
Aggressive Play

     The next day if her naive ass thought that somehow Alex wouldn't be smart enough to put two and two together that Mia heard way more than she let on.

That her overhearing said conversation wouldn't affect their dynamic and their fragile friendship. Mia must have been smoking something quite strong for her to ever think that it will return to normal.

It became very apparent later in the day when they were assigned as a group in gym class.

Mia had watch them the whole day as well as avoided them like a pledge which granted wasn't her smartest course of action if she wanted to gain their trust.

It was clear something was wrong the moment her eyes landed on them. Alex usual charming smile was gone, Matt seemed deep in thought looking annoyed and tire.

Usually the twins looked closed and always somehow joking around, in good terms making the atmosphere around them light and welcoming but today it was still and rigid.

Neither of them said a word to one another, sitting apart and close off. No one dared get close to them -- Mia included.

Which is why Mia stalled as much as she could with people she didn't considered as friends just so she didn't have to be between this brotherly discourse.

"Why are you either always looking at them or with them" someone suddenly says making her head snap toward the voice so fast Mia almost got whiplash.

Mia felt Eliza stiffen next to her. Her eyes landed on a black haired girl who Mia knew she thought she was better than everyone else. Her eyes had a weird tint to it, a cruel edge to her polite smile.

"Are you dating one of them already?" She continued making Eliza raised her head slowly from what she was reading in her phone.

Somehow Mia found herself very self aware of her movements.

"No, I just recently befriend them what makes you think I'll be dating them already?"

"Well you are all over them and they are all over you. You think no one noticed how your eyes lingered on them and they also somehow keep tabs on what you're doing" she said leaning forward slightly and Mia just knew that gossip was about to occur.

"Is it true that their involve in a gang? Someone saw them speaking to some very weird looking people and they saw you walking with Alex last night." Mia felt her right eye twitch a little bit annoyed at her insinuation.

Even if they weren't far from her own. Mia also felt the burning gaze of Eliza on her for a second before she locked her phone for good.

"Did something happen between the two brotherly twins? They seemed off today?" Eliza pipped in putting her phone in her pocket eyes going towards them and if Mia didn't know any better they flashed with anger.

Mia turn to look towards them to see them already looking at her, Alex rolled his eyes looking away first looking somewhat annoyed while Matt eyes stayed lingering on them. An intense sort of gaze that felt piercing but somehow it wasn't directed towards her -- her eyes flicker towards Eliza to see the same type of gaze on her before she blinked.

"I don't know -- I wonder" Mia said trailing off clearly suspicious. Eliza knows something, of that Mia's sure.

"Yesterday were you alright? After you ran out of the cafeteria Matt followed you" Eliza suddenly said turning her head towards Mia making her flinch back at the embarrassing memory. Right that was yesterday. Somehow it felt like it happened days ago.

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