Chapter 7 - Awaken Feeling

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Chapter 7
Awaken Feeling   

  Ever had that gut feeling that something was going to go wrong?

Ever wished that you've would have listen to your guts and just stay in bed the whole day? Well Mia certainly didn't because of course why would she, apparently she didn't learn the first time.

The moment she walked through the gates Mia knew right away she should go home but alas she never quite listen now does she?

So here are the things Mia notice as the day proceed: for one the twins were nowhere to be seeing. They were absent from class and never showed up. Mia was sure that something had happen considering the odd air surrounding them yesterday.

Specially when they both separated the moment class was over, Alex walking her home while Matt left angrily. Surely she couldn't be the reason why they were both fighting right? No of course there was no way, their argument in class had nothing to do with her.

So one would say — why does it matter or concern you that two guys you barely know didn't show to school, is not like they're her only friends.

So that brings her to the second thing: Eliza.

She also didn't show up to class and that was indeed shocking. She has never missed a day in her life not even when she was sick- as a matter of fact Mia doesn't even remember her ever being sick.

After getting in contact with her, Eliza texted her briefly saying she was going to school after lunch she had to take care of some matters with her parents which again was odd on itself.

As far as Mia knew she didn't get along with her parents, she lived alone. And it was taboo to speak about them, which made her wonder what changed.

Thirdly the whole school eyes were on her the whole day, she was unsure if it was her imagination or if she was being hyper aware of everything around her but Mia was sure everyone was whispering about her.

Specially when she entered a room multiple eyes would flicker towards her and followed her until she seat down or exited the room. It had her on edge and Mia anxiety skyrocket which is why she escaped the first moment she could.

So Mia when looking for her hiding place, right where the garden and the big oak tree was. The day was pleasant but the sun was strong and a tiny bit bothersome yet she didn't let that stop her.

Mia sat down under the tree leaning on the oak tree passing her hand over the rough bark feeling herself instantly calmed.

This place has always being her safe heaven, no one would ever walked over here and it was out of the way. There was no classroom back here and maybe back on the day this was a beautiful art project for something, somehow the school still kept it.

She found it her first year on this school when Mia was in the middle of having a panic attack, and ever since then this has being were she always came when she couldn't feel or understand the normal world. She let out a sigh closing her eyes as she lean completely against the tree ignoring the bell ring for the start of class. Skipping one day will not be the end of the world.

When Mia woke, it was to the sound of footsteps and someone cursing quietly as they stumble through the bushes careful not to mess with them.

She felt her lips twitch into a smile as she slowly blinked her eyes open knowing right away who it was.

"Hey" Mia greeted her making Eliza head snapped up to look at her, a smile blooming in her face yet Mia noted it didn't reach her eyes.

"Hey M, are you alright? Did something happened? I came to school just to hear that no one has seeing you and then I find you here skipping class which is a first for you" Eliza asked sitting next to her, Mia noticed she was careful with how much space she left between them.

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