Watch out.

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"no it's not him. Although you might want to check on him." I say remembering what I did earlier. 

"Wha... Anyway, are you okay? It looks like you cried." Sunghoon says while bending down to my height.

"I'm fine- also. Why do you care so much?" I ask. This is weird right? We met like 5 hours ago?

"I- I don't know either." He starts stuttering. Did I put too much pressure on him?

"Sorry sorry. I'm just stressed. I messed everything up. ah never mind." I quickly say. He stares at me in pity. Ouch. 

"No you didn't. I can tell how much your members care about you. You need to start thinking about yourself more." Sunghoon comforts me. 

"Eunbi!!" I hear as the door from the cafeteria shoots open. All my members come running to me, one by one. Sunghoon gets pushed to the side and my members drag me to the van after bowing to the others. 

They force me to talk about what happened. They all sit in their seats with astonished looks. 

"That motherfucker! Jake is such a asshole." Leeseo unnie says with a disgusted look. I smile at how supportive they are. 

I get another phone call as we head back to the dorm. I hesitantly pick it up as it is my other manager. 

"Hello?" I say first. I hear a deep sigh and know shit is gonna go down. 

"Did you punch Jaeyun from Enhypen?" I hear the manager say to me. Shit. 

"Uh long story short, yes..." I say while sighing. 

"Park Eunbi!! Why are you causing so much trouble??! You just debuted and you punched someone?!?!? A idol too??!!" my manager screams at me. How do you respond to that??!

"I'm so sorry. It will never happen again he just-" I get cut off by my manger clicking his tongue. 

"Eunbi, we all treasure you like a daughter but you can't do things like this. Okay? It was decided that you will get demerits, song work, and extra practice for 3 days." my manager says in a calmer voice. 

"Okay. I'm super sorry for this." I say before ending the call. 


Jake's POV: 


I keep getting texts and calls ever since I came out for fresh air. I assume it is sasaeng and ignore it. After a while It gets annoying so I pick my phone up and realize it's Sunghoon. 

As I see his name displayed on the screen I quickly answer. 

"Ma boi Sunghoon!!" I say happily while answering. 

"Could you apologize to Eunbi? For me at least?" I hear him say seriously. Is he in his pick me phase or what?

"Why should I? She is just like Sujin I bet. A backstabber." I say back to Sunghoon. Why does the world revolve around this Eunbi girl now?

"Jake I can tell she's not. Please?" Sunghoon pleads. 

"Okay okay. I was going too anyway." I say while ending the call. Eunbi... Interesting. 

I try to apologize and she rejects it. Damn. I was trying to be nice. I talk back to her and I get a punch flung to my face. 

I fall to the ground and wince at the pain but I don't show it. This Eunbi girl walks away without looking back. My lip starts bleeding so I wipe it with my sleeve. 

I get up and think about how the fuck I just got punched by that girl. Park Eunbi!!

I walk back to the cafeteria to get back at Eunbi. Should I tell the manager?!?! Well... I kinda deserved that punch. 

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