They don't deserve you.

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"Eunbi!! Why are you here! You have to go back to the hospital!" Leeseo unnie screams while turning me around and around checking every inch of my body.

"I ran away. I know we had an important practice today so I made it!" I say while putting on a fake smile. 

They all face me in concern and Aria unnie says "Eunbi please your working too much. You don't sleep well, eat much, and now you escaped the hospital???"

"Eunbi we are just worried about you. We care about you a lot and don't want you getting hurt like today." Yujin unnie says in a worried tone. 

"I'm trying as hard as I can so please bare with me. I am trying my hardest to stay alive but it's not going to work if I keep being lazy and being such a burden to everyone I know!" I vent out to my members. 

"Eunbi your a burden to no one. We all adore you so please just take some rest for us." Ryujin unnie says to me with a smile. 

"Yea Eunbi. You're never a burden." I hear someone say from the doorway. 

"Jake?" I say while turning towards the door frame. 


Jake's POV:

"Eunbi!" I hear Sunghoon shout. I ball my fists up from blowing up in anger and rage. Why did I say that? I'm so fucking annoying. 

"Aish... I messed up." I mutter while heading back into the practice room. I can feel all the other members stares on my back as I look for my phone. 

"Jake hyung. What happened??" I hear Niki's voice say. I snicker and turn around to face them. 

"Your hyung just made a fucking terrible mistake. But mistakes can be fixed right?" I ask just to assure myself. They all slowly nod at me and turn to each other. 

"Jake I swear if you fucking hurt my sister..." Jay says while glaring at me. I stare down at my phone and sit in silence. 

"Woah woah guys calm down don't curse in front of the children." Heeseung hyung says while patting Jay's shoulder. 

"I think I did. I'm sorry." I say before walking out again. I pass Sunghoon who's sitting on the ground in a cloud of thoughts and go to find Eunbi. I run to their practice room where Jay often visits. 

I hide behind a wall when I hear their voices. I hear Eunbi getting pitied and worried about by her members. Fuck. She must hate hearing all of this after a cry session.

Without think I walk into the room and say "Yea. Eunbi you are never a burden."

What am I doing?? I'm just gonna get my heart broken all over again. 

"Jake?" I hear Eunbi say while her eyes are full of tears again. Ouch. Why is my heart aching?

"I'm sorry Eunbi, I really didn't mean what I said it was a slip of-" I get cut off by her members glaring at me. 

"Did you hurt our maknae?" I hear one of the girls say. 

"Yea sunbaenim." another says. 

"Fuck that sunbaenim shit. A guy who makes a girl cry doesn't deserve that title." another member of Eunbi's group says. 

I get left speechless knowing I did hurt her. 

"Guys. I'm fine. Just please. Ignore what I said." Eunbi begs her members while dragging me out. 

"Jake I'm sorry for t-them." she stutters when she speaks. I observe her face to see her puffy red eyes from crying. I see her pale skin and dark eye bags. Shit. I made a terrible mistake. 

"Eunbi I'm so sorry for earlier. I know I was super harsh to you and you don't have to accept my apology but I feel terrible." I say to her in the most sincere way as possible.

"Jake I don't need your fucking pity. I already have enough of that shit. Eat more, eat less, work harder, get some rest, I'm sick and tired of it. I'm sick of life, Jake. So please just leave me alone. I don't want more people to feel burdened by me." she says back to me while massaging her temples and leaning on the wall. 

"Eunbi, I don't know about anyone else but I haven't ever felt burdened by you. I only act this way because I don't want to get my heart broken again. I thought you could maybe be a little bit different from her." I reveal to Eunbi. There. I said it. 

"I am nowhere near breaking someone's heart, Jake. Mine is barely holding together so who am I to go and break yours? And anyway you have this whole wall built around you like isolating yourself is gonna make things better. Newsflash, it doesn't work. From personal experience." Eunbi says while wiping the rest of her tears and leaning against the wall behind her.

"Do you want to talk about it? I'm all ears. Since I'm not someone you love, I bet the words will flow easier." I say while smiling. I see her bright smile come out again after all those tears. 

 "Waste of time. But I think I have a good idea." she says while raising her eyebrows. 

"Hm?" I answer while tilting my head. 

"I'll build your trust. I bet I can break that wall you have around your heart." she says happily. 

"Bet. But what can I do for you if your doing all of this? I know it's not for free if you really are Jay's sister." I say while snickering. 

"Nothing. Just your time and honesty. Maybe this will help me take my mind off everything else I have to worry about." she says while sighing. 

"Okay. First step, let's go eat something. I heard from Sunghoon that you haven't been eating and that's why you keep fainting and shit. Just know if you faint again around me, I will leave you. Mark my words!" I say while laughing. Little does she know, I just want her to be healthy. 

"Well when you get bashed by your fans for months on end about being fat, they get to you and you cave in. Then when your thin you get bashed for looking like a stick. Oh wait your a guy, you wouldn't know. pfff let's just go." Eunbi says in a joking tone although the topic is quite dark. Fans? hah. They don't deserve you. 

"Yah! Let's go together." I say while catching up to her. This is nice. Not being worried about my heart being broken again. 


Word count:1085❤️❤️❤️

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