Happiness suits you.

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"Jaeyun!! Put me down!!" I shout while squirming around in his arms but all I get is a smirk from him.

"Okay okay. Now everybody will know your mine." he says before softly placing me on the bed.

"Wow my daughter is liked by so many people!" my mom says while laughing. 

"Me too mom!" Jay say while pouting.

"Yea Jay is so much more popular then me." I say while smiling. 

"Everyone, we cleared the entrance so we can leave. Enhypen your bus is outside and Puzzle your van is outside as well." my manager says to everyone.

"Okay everyone out. Please go home and get some rest." I say while pointing to the door. 

"Are you sure you'll be okay alone, honey?" my mom asks. 

"Of course, I've been alone all this time..." I say trailing off towards the end so no one can hear. 

"Okay... Bye Eunbi! See you tomorrow! Get better soon!!" my members say while waving. I wave back and sigh as I've been super anxious with all these people. 

"Eunbi I hope you get better so we can go on dates soon!" Jake says while waving and being pushed out by his members. 

"Whaaa our Eunbi is all grown up!" my dad says in a shocked tone. 

"Dad please, I haven't even had my first kiss." I say while pouting. 

"Alright enough, honey. Eunbi sleep well tonight and we will visit you tomorrow okay?" my mom says while placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Okay love you guys! Bye..." I say while waving. 

At last. All alone. Time all for myself in my thoughts. No one to tell me what to do and how to do it. 

I take out my letters from my bag and continue writing and finishing them up every time I get a spark of inspiration in my head. I smile and admire the letters just staring blankly at them. 

I feel my eyelids becoming heavy but I try to resist sleep, in case I don't wake up in the morning to see everyone. 

I doze off slowly into a slumber until I hear a loud beep from my phone. I open my eyes, expecting to see it dark outside with the gleaming moonlight but all I see is clear skies and a bright sun in the sky. 

Ah. I must have dozed off for the whole night. I look around and see no one in the room so I bump myself up and reach over to pick up my phone. 

"Eunbi. Hi." I hear from the door way causing a mini heart attack in me. 

"Oh my god, you scared me Sunghoon. Hi!" I say while trying to look brighter although I just woke up. 

"Hi, I have something to talk to you about. Well it more of tell you." he says while looking down. I nod and allow him to sit on the bed next to me. 

"What is it my prince?" I ask while smiling. 

"Please don't call me that." he says coldly or from what I think, trying to act cold. 

"Oh sorry sorry, I didn't know you didn't like being called that." I say while frowning. 

 "Eunbi please, can't you be rude to me for once?!  Can't you push me away and reject me like I'm nothing?!" he says angerly.  

"W-Why would I do that though?" I say while tilting my head. He shakes his head and sighs. 

"So I could get over you and not be so pathetic. I wish you would speak your mind and tell me to fuck off so I could hate you, but you don't. I can never hate you, Eunbi. That's the problem." he says while holding my hand with both of his. 

"I-I don't understand." I mutter although I know what he's trying to say. 

"I know you don't like me. I know it. But I just can't seem to move on. You're all I want, but I can't have you. It hurts Eunbi. A lot. And I don't want you to accept my feelings out of pity." He says while tearing up and sniffling his nose. 

I frown at him crying almost like I'm in his place and I'm feeling what he's feeling. 

"Sunghoon I'm... I'm sorry." I say while pulling him in for a hug. I feel him come into my embrace and stick his chin into my shoulder. 

"I-I like you a lot. And I always will, okay? Please don't forget that. But I know fate will not allow us to be together. I've changed and I almost lost myself because I was blinded by love. I treated Jake like shit and for what? I'm sorry, Eunbi." he says while gripping my hands tighter. 

"Don't apologize for what I've done. Sunghoon don't worry about it and date someone better then me. Forget me and live a good life. And by the way this doesn't end our friendship, ever." I say while trying to smile to cheer him up. 

"No way am I forgetting you, idiot." he says before leaning into me for a kiss. I widen my eyes in shock of what just happened. 

"Don't worry, it's a goodbye kiss." he says before walking away from my bed. 

"Uhm doesn't make it better... But bye! Safe travels hoonie!" I say while waving. I bite my lip and think about our conversation. Hopefully I didn't say anything terrible...

"Hey." I hear as the door flings open. I jump up in shock and look up to see Jake. 

"Bro stop scaring me like that." I say while rolling my eyes. 

"What's up with Sunghoon? He was crying when he came out. Not that I care..." he says while pouting. 

"Awww are you worried? But uh I kinda rejected him in a way..." I confess. 

"Oh yeah?" he says while smirking. 

"Yah don't even think that I did that because of you. And be nicer to Sunghoon, it's my fault your friendship fell apart." I say. 

"Never said I thought you rejected him because of me. But do I really have to be nicer to him?" he says while frowning. I hold his hand and nod in agreement. 

"Yes please. He is a sweetheart and you guys not being friends is weird to me. So try." I say while trying to make eye contact with him, but he's looking away to something else. 

I follow his stare to our hands so I quickly try to remove my hand off of his but he grabs mine and pulls it closer then before. 

"Don't move. I like this." he says while his face is clearly turning red and brighter. 

"I can tell. You look like a tomato." I say while laugh. 

"Happiness suits you. You should do it more often instead of spending your youth in a hospital." he says while snickering. 

"Well, anyway that's not the point. I'm hear to give you this." he says while handing me a bracelet. 

"This is not mine. It could be my members?" I say while shaking my head. I didn't lose or ever even owned a bracelet like this.

"No dummy, I bought it for you. It's matching by the way." he says while showing off the same bracelet on his wrist. 

I tilt my head at the bracelet and look back up at him. 

"Is this the Louis Vuitton Unicef bracelet??" I ask while widening my eyes. I feel butterflies inside my stomach because I've wanted to get this to support Unicef for a while. 

"Yes. So it's expensive and you can't refuse it." he says while proudly smiling. 

"Why would I? Thank you so much, Jaeyun." I say while happily putting on the bracelet. 

"No problem. Now we will have cute matching bracelets for when we first started dating." he says, saying the last part quieter. 

"Excuse me? I haven't been informed we were dating?" I say confused. 

"Eunbi, I've been courting you for such a long time, so I've been meaning to ask. Will you let me be your boyfriend?" he says. 


Word count: 1337❤️❤️❤️

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