Happily ever after.

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Pls pls pls listen to this above!! I listened to it while writing and shed a couple tears!! Haha well love you guys and thanks for supporting this ❤️

No one's POV:

Soon after the passing of Eunbi, Jake locked everyone out and stayed in his room without eating or drinking for days.

"Jake please just come out. Everyone is grieving. But you need to stay strong, for Eunbi. She wouldn't want you to lock yourself in your room." Jay says loudly to the door.

All of Puzzle and Enhypen's schedules were canceled due to Eunbi's passing. Enhypen's dorm has been dead silent from when they got back from the hospital 3 days ago. Jay leaves the dorms almost everyday to his parents since they are in worse conditions then him.

Jay just go. I want to be alone." Jake says quietly to the door. Enhypen's dorm is in a mess, and Puzzle isn't any better. Ryujin has been taking Eunbi's death harder then all her members.

Jake listens to recordings of Eunbi, silently in his room. He never felt this type of pain ever before. As he listens to all her YouTube videos and songs, he gets spammed with tons of notifications from dispatch and different publishing companies.

'Eunbi from Puzzle overdosing on pills to commit suicide!!' 'Eunbi from Puzzle finally commits suicide.'

Out of pure anger Jake, hits his head repeatedly out of regret and remorse. If he had just treated her better then maybe she wouldn't have left him forever.

And days before, his mom called him telling him how late he was to picking up Layla and how much she wants to see Eunbi. This of course, made him worse and he now thinks it's his fault.

Oh how happy he would have been, even if it was the last time, to see Eunbi truly happy with him and Layla. She would have loved Eunbi. She would have adored her like I do.

"Jake. Come out right now. We have to go to Eunbi's funeral. Jake, Eunbi wouldn't want any of this. You know how much she cares about you." Jay say while knocking harshly on his door.

Jake puts down his phone for the first time in three days, and tears stream down his face at the sight of the bracelet in his wrist. He doesn't smile, or show any emotion anymore, all he is thinking is to see Eunbi one last time.

Everyone gets dressed in black and they head off, in one bus to the funeral. All the Puzzle members are already crying in the bus but the Enhypen members try to contain their tears.

They arrive at the funeral to see tons of press and dispatch waiting for them.

"Oh my fucking god, how disrespectful can these people get? Just for a fucking photo of us, they bombard a funeral of someone special." Ryujin announces while clearing her throat in disgust.

"This is fucking disgusting." Jake says loudly before getting out of the bus first, with Sunghoon and Jay behind him.

'Look over here!!' 'How do you guys feel??' 'Do you think Eunbi deserved to die?' 'Aren't you guys happy she's gone??'

One reporter says with all the flashing cameras, making Jake explode.

"This is extremely disgusting and disrespectful to Eunbi. How are you people even human!?! This is a place of mourning and you come in with your big and flashy fucking cameras to get first pics of us." Jake screams at everyone, making some reporters back away and turn their cameras off, but for some it allows them to take even more pictures.

"Disgusting pieces of shit." Jay says before heading into the funeral home to see his parents.

"It's because of you people that Eunbi became depressed and hated herself, when she is the sweetest angel." Sunghoon adds before walking right behind Jay.

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