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Jake's POV: 

Although I want to talk and see Eunbi more, I get dragged away as always, because the visiting hours are over. 

"OH MY FUCKING GOD WHAT??" I hear one of Eunbi's members scream from the entrance while me my my members are bullying this vending machine for snacks. 

I curiously peek my head at the noise and see the panicking and running away from the entrance while trying to cover their faces. 

"Yo Ryujin what's up??" Heeseung shouts to her while her and her members stay running towards us. 

"There are millions of paparazzi and reporters outside right now!" Leeseo says while catching her breath. 

"HOW DID THEY EVEN FIND OUT WHERE EUNBI WAS STAYING??? WHY IS THERE SO MANY?? AHHH!!" Yujin noona says while pacing back and forth. 

I peek my head again and see the security from the hospital handling them but the cameras are flashing although no one is even there. 

"This is not good. no no no, we might get into a scandal. Then- Then we are going to be canceled!!! Noooooo" Aria says while freaking out. 

"Woah woah guys why are you still here?" I hear Eunbi's voice as she walks out. 

I quickly turn my head at where her voice is coming from and I smile brightly. I see her with her monitor and iv still in her arm. 

"Eunbi why did you come out, you need to rest!" Jay shouts at her. 

"Stop being so loud, geez. And when I hear screaming from my members voices I'm gonna come and see what's up." she says. I watch her hold her forehead, wincing in pain and taking shallow breaths. I see her peek her head to the entrance and almost falling over. 

Without thinking, I walk towards her and wrap my arm around her waist to hold her up. I see her confused face at me but then she pushes me away like I'm nothing. 

"Jaeyun please, there's so many reporters and dispatch outside, I don't want you to get in trouble and get hate." she says quietly only audible for me to hear. 

I bite my lip and take a step away knowing that she's right and it's not going to cause any good. 

"Hello? Mom? Dad?" I hear her as soon as she picks up her ringing phone. 

"You guys can't be here right now please go back. I'll explain later-" I hear her say before freezing up and widening her eyes. 

I lean closer and hear faint screams from her phone but before I can do anything she pulls out the iv in her arm making her wince in pain. I watch as she darts for the entrance door without thinking. 

"Oh my- Eunbi!!!" I hear Jay say before running after her. I watch her members run out the entrance, following Jay. 

"Heeseung hyung call our managers and security!!!!" Sunghoon says before running towards the entrance as well. 

I follow him and as soon as we leave the hosptial we hear the clicking of all the cameras and weird ass questions before flung at us. 

Some people touch us and grab our clothes but all I need to know is that Eunbi is safe. I move forward past all the reporters and fans while squinting my eyes at the bright lights. 

I spot her and Jay so I dart towards them trying not to hurt any of the reporters. I see them surrounding two people who look like Jay's parents. I realize what's happening and in an instant I use my body to shield Eunbi from any of the cameras flashes and pull her into my chest. 

"Yah over here!!" I hear one of the reporters say while him and others start coming closer to us. 

"Oh my- Eunbi-sshi!" I hear her managers voice say while him and Eunbi's members all start running towards us but with no luck, their not able to come closer due to all of the dispatch and reporters around us. 

"Don't worry Eunbi, I'm here." I say to her while tightening the hug I have on her. 

"Woah woah everyone please back up!!" I hear Sunghoon's voice as he and the other members surround Eunbi and her parents. 

"Everyone please back up!!!!" our manager and a team of security shout. 

"Everyone quick into the building!!" my manager says while we run towards the hospital again, while I quickly grab Eunbi's hand so she doesn't get caught up in all the people. 

"Eunbi how does it feel to be a slut for attention and so weak!?!!" one of the louder reporters scream. 

"Yah! How does it feel to be such a ignorant and idiotic reporter?!!" I scream back before I get pushed into the building. 

End of POV~


 Eunbi's POV:

I bite my lip at all the words the paparazzi said to me. I know I'm not a good person, but do you really need to go this far to remind me I'm not enough?

"Mom! Dad! Are you okay!??!" I scream while searching their bodies for any scratches or bruises. 

"Eunbi we're fine, but-" my mom say making me groan. 

"Please! I told you not to come here! This is exactly why! I didn't want anyone to pester you or know what you look like! Now you guys are going to be known to all those reporters out their as Eunbi and Jay's parent's!!" I scream out of anger. 

All this wouldn't have happened if I wasn't in this stupid hospital. 

"Eunbi are you okay? Honey, we heard all the things they said and-" I cut them off by hugging them. 

"I'm fine. I deserve it." I say quietly in their embrace.

"Uhm Eunbi's parents? Yes, we are terribly sorry for all the ruckus out there." my manager says while bowing. 

"Eunbi you are amazing." I hear Sunghoon say while chuckling and giving me a warm side hug. 

"Oh is this Taehyun? Your boyfriend!" my dad says while putting his hand out but I slap it away in embarrassment. 

"Boyfriend?" Jake says while sighing. 

"No no no, dad, he's not Taehyun and Taehyun is definitely not my boyfriend!!" I scream while blushing in embarrassment. 

"Okay okay. But Eunbi, how many times have we told you, if it gets tough to tell us, so we can support you the best we can? I heard you haven't been eating and sleeping again? Eunbi you can't keep neglecting your body like this." my mom says to my while holding my hand. 

"yes yes every time I hear the same thing." I say being sick and tired of all the nagging. 

"You kids are a good lot, I saw how you protected my precious kids in an instant from those people. Thank you guys for taking care of my sweet babies." my dad says while smiling. 

"No problem Mr. Park!!" everyone says in unison making me smile. 

I lean on the wall behind me from this scene, and rest my eyes for a second. I try to open them but I lose my balance and fall to the ground. 

"Eunbi!!" I hear Jake's voice as he quickly grabs my arm and helps me up. 

"Let's go to your room. Excuse me, if you guys don't mind I'll take Eunbi to her room since she's still sick." I hear Jake say before taking me off my feet and carrying her bridal style. 

I scream in shock and bite my lip to contain it. I look around and see everyone shocked and standing with their jaw wide open. 

"GUYS I SWEAR WE'RE NOT DATING!!" I say to my members as they start ooo'ing us and making faces. 


'hah Eunbi is living the good life for now. Once I release this she won't. I hope you die in hell Eunbi.


Word count: 1296❤️❤️❤️

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