Chapter 5: man and machine

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Sythical pov

As we walked through the facility, Dr. A looked as if he was going to scream and punch something. 'It's the end of Earth and the two people that hate each other got stuck together' I thought.

Dr. S started to talk again "So... what did you say your name was?"


"Right... and you had questions?"

If I was to be completely honest, I would rather have Dr. A answer the questions... "Yes" is all I could say. I'm just going to wait until I get my room and then go ask Dr. A before asking anything just to be safe about it...

"Well are you going to ask?" Dr. S said, catching me off guard

"The questions can wait for a different time..."

Dr. A put his hand on his head. The human sign of someone else being stupid. Had I done something wrong? Dr. A put his hand out in front of me to stop me. Dr. S walked a few more steps before also stopping. Has Dr. A been in this situation before?

Dr. S turned around slowly, an angry expression had taken the place of the emotionless one that had been there a moment ago. "I'M IN CHARGE HERE AND I DON'T WAIT FOR ANSWERS! THAT'S IT. YOU AND SYTHICAL ARE NOW SHARING ROOMS!"

Dr. S stormed off and Dr. A looked at me, his face unrecognizable with anger. All he said to me was "Good going, dumbass."

Dr. A pov

This sythical guy is really good at making enemies and being hated. Not only did he get Dr. S to yell but he also managed to force us to room together. Great... and I thought the end of the world couldn't get worse. Even when I called him a dumbass, I could tell his little processors were working at max power to figure out what that meant. Once we reached my room, I stopped and took out my key. Or, I thought I did... after trying 5 times to unlock the door, I looked at what I thought to be a key. This is what I get for having what, several? Or was it six others... who cares. It's a facility packed with people and guns and one of them hates me.

"DR. S YOU SON OF A BI-" wait... I don't think I should swear in front of the protogen... let's try that again... "DR. S YOU MUFFIN HEAD! YOU HAD TO SWAP MY KEY WITH BREAD AGAIN?! THIS IS THE 8TH TIME THIS WEEK!"

All the way down the hall you can hear laughter. And of course, that faint "IT WAS YOU WHO BROUGHT THEM HERE TO US WAS IT NOT? IM JUST GETTING BACK AT THE VILLAN!"

Great. He's still going on about "me" bringing "them" to Earth. It's an element... that gained sentience... the sentience part wasn't my fault. I blame Black Mesa and Aperture. I mean, I know everything about this earth. I know about the Black Mesa incident, I know about Chell and what happened with the portal gun and moon, I know why the Earth is dead. I know it all and I know it well. It's not my fault that Dr. S had the idea of nuking the whole planet because of sentient latex. It is my fault that I cloned a lot of it but not my fault it became alive. Oh well. I'll fix the door later.


And now the door is on the floor... I might just have to get a scanner that scans bread to open my door. I could probably make that...

Sythical pov

I don't know why but I jumped when Dr. A kicked the door down to get into his room. After looking at it, I realized I probably would have shattered something in me if I tried to do that... upon scanning the door, it's a 5 inch thick tungsten door. Apparently that stuff is supposed to be really heavy and he just kicked it like it was nothing... definitely don't want to mess with him... After entering the room, I noticed just how many machines and robots this guy made.

"You weren't kidding when you said you made these things for fun... how did you find this stuff anyway?"

"It pays to share a facility with a God..."

Not entirely sure what he means by that but that's not my biggest concern. My concern is where I'm going to sleep...

"Go take a walk around the facility. I'll make something for you and have it ready by the time you come back"

Problem solved... I think. As I'm exiting the room, I immediately hear banging, a blow torch, a welding tool, and fire. Strange combination of noises but I'm just out here for a walk. I'm about to walk into a random room when a voice comes from behind me.

"I wouldn't go in there. Unless, of course, you want to die..."

I turn around and see a new person. Great... there is more than three I'm guessing...

"The names Timothy. You probably won't see me again but just know, don't anger him"

I turn back around and once again, random noises happen when I turn my back. I look over my shoulder and the random guy is gone. It's a long hallway and he just disappeared. This place is starting to get weird. I'm just going to go back and talk with Dr. A...

Dr. A pov

"Audio log 74. This is working right? Good. Something called a protogen fell from space today. It said it's name was Sythical but it could be wrong. It's visor? Is it a visor or a face... doesn't matter. It's visor was cracked from the impact and it could be delusional. All I know is that it looks like one of the forms of latex creatures outside the walls. It seems most of its programing is just for the lights on its weird screens on its shoulders, thighs and the visor but it's hard to be certain. If anything happens, I'm making another audio log tomorrow. This is Dr. A signing off."

And done. Finished the bed thing for the robot and fixed the door. With a bread scanner... I desperately need sleep...


Well then... over 1000 words... 1050 total in the book part of the chapter not including this. Now, feel free to ask questions and give suggestions! I might do a get to know the author and a qna but those require questions. And I'm clearing this up even if nobody asked. My name is Lewis, not Kevin. I'm just going to work on more chapters and hope for questions. And before I go, I want to thank the one person, that I know of, who has added my book to their reading list. True legend. You know who you are.

But anyway, peace!

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