chapter 9: a final goodbye?

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Sythical pov

"Year: 20XX
Month: unknown
Day: unknown
Time: 23:32:16"

"Probably Germany."
"The Earth is dead. You think we can identify where we are?"
"Just use the old Google maps thing."
"Sythical you are a pain in the ass right now."
"Just because I thought it would work doesn't mean it wouldn't be worth a shot. See, just pulled it up. We are in... guh-erm-any?"
"Germany. That says Germany."
"I don't know how to read. You can't blame me for that one, A."
"That's Dr. A to you."

Thats how my morning went. Dr. A basically dragged me out of the facility and started taking notes.

"First test was a failure, second test went as expected, onto the third."
"Aaawwwww! Do I have to?"
"Do you want to get home or not. We can't risk the death of your home world because you were being stupid with the wildlife here."
"You just like to see me suffer."
"I like to see you suffer, yes."

And just like that I was thrown at another latex beast. The first time I was thrown directly into one making Dr. A have to disinfect me. The second I ended up failing fighting. Now I think I know how to both make a cure and fight the beasts. Never use the same attack twice. Use it 3 times then never again on the same beast.

I roll to the side and recover from being thrown. The latex looks at me and then shifts from a fox-ish wolf to a protogen. If I move fast enough it seems to be effective and not infect me. If I move too fast it's uneffective and goes through it. I hit it with a punch to the side of the head then an uppercut three times before hitting it with a roundhouse kick to the head. It splatters on the ground before reforming but by then I already have the cure ready and disinfect it. This one had no host so it ended up... actually I'm not sure...

"Dr. A? What happens to the latex with no host?"
"Just kind of... dissappears I guess."
"Huh... might want to find out."
"Well there is a chemical in the cure that basically devolves the latex. Everything else in it is for bringing back bones, body structure, and personalities."
"Oh. Well that's good I guess..."
"Let me see your katana."
"Give me the God damn katana, sythical."
"Ok fine! Take it!"

I'm very confused. After I handed him the katana he took out a screwdriver and began to do something to it. He then put the screwdriver away and activated the katana in a different way making it fold out into a platform. I look away for half a second and he's managed to put a portal down on the platform. The next thing I know we are jumping through and are back in the facility. The portal closes behind us and Dr. A holds out his hand as if waiting for something to come to his hand... and sure enough, the handle of my katana comes flying to him. He hands it back and I turn around to walk away but walk into a wall... this has to be the worst day ever.

"I think I'm just going to sleep here... on the floor."
"You confuse me, Sythical."
"I'm not surprised at that..."
"He actually just did this? Making me have to drag him to the room. Actually... this makes sense with the fact that I've just dragged him everywhere, throwing him, and portal travel. Probably needs more charge. I'll throw him in his bed if we can get to the room. If not I'm just using a car battery."

Dr. A pov

After I finished dragging Sythical into the room I practically threw him into his bed. The room is full of unfinished and forgotten robots that most likely won't be functional ever. I grab my tools and begin to make something random only to fall asleep...

---------le first time skip-----------

"Audio log 77. I had a dream after falling asleep at my workbench. It's a little fuzzy now, given it's been 5 minutes, but it's the first one in a while... It had something to do with sythical, bread, latex, Dr. S, music, and me. I can't piece it together from that but im going to start making a machine that will allow me to view memories. If I use it on myself I should be able to see what the dream was about. Now it's just a matter of getting the circuts, frame, coding, and calibration. I'd say it will take about two hours to complete with no interu-"

'Bang' "Dr. A? What happened after you tased me?"

"You short circuited."

"If that's the only thing that happened then why did my arm fall off?"

"What!? Sythical I'm recording an audio log!"

"I feel like my arm is more important than a recording!"

"Get the hell out! I'll fix it later! Just go bother Dr. S!"

"You're the mechanic here!"

"Dr. S can do the same th-" -cuts to static-

Dr. S pov



"How exactly did you manage to ship yourself to here..."

"Your planes flew over where I was a lot and one dropped a box. So I broke it open, wrote on the lid, and sealed myself inside. I'm just glad there was nothing in the box in the first place."

"That makes more sense... want to run some more tests or should we head to the kitchen."

"Kitchen. I'm starting to get a bit hungry."

Sythical pov

I wake up to another system error. Great. "Dr. A! Pass me your sonic screwdriver thing! I have another error!"

"It's right next to you dumbass!"

"Oh thanks..." I pick it up and begin repairing my systems, again "So what does the 'a' in your name stand for..."

"How do you know it stands for something?"

"Dr. S told me more about names and other things. He didn't tell me the answer to this question though."

"You know Sythical... some things are better left unanswered. But I know you won't shut up about it so I think its time I tell you..."

Wow. Dr. A telling me something he perfers not to say? That's new...

"My name is [REDACTED] Afton. The member of a family of immortals from one dimension. I am the only one of me in any universe. The others still exist in other dimensions but I chose this dimension because I found no trace of them anywhere. I was kicked out of the house because I knew about everything. Including my father's demon that follows him. He goes by Hacker now but I still call him glitch. He has been with me the whole time I've been traveling through dimensions. This is the glitch from my dimension."

Now there is a floating cybernetic yellow rabbit person that is visibly glitching in real time. This is a lot to take in. "You know what. I'm sorry I asked. I'm going back to bed."

'Sigh' "they always do this. No matter who or where. They always just go take a nap or something."

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"Fair enough... I'm leaving a note for him when he wakes up though."
OK! OK! This took forever and its being released at what... 2:20 a.m.-ish central American time? I'm mainly staying up to defy my dad because he was being rude and pissy but that's beside the point. I'm here to say thanks to those who have read this far and will continue reading. And also thanks to those who have put this in a library or folder of some kind. Just seeing the reads on the book is enough to know that you guys enjoy my book enough to keep reading it. This was also technically part one of this section of story. Next chapter is probably going to be 'A final goodbye? Part 2' or something like that. Welp, if you are reading as I'm publishing, please sleep and don't do what I do to defy your parents. Anyway, peace!

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