Chapter 11: protogens and prototypes

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Sythical pov

"Dr. A?"
"What. Im busy."
"I have a few questions..."
"Go on?"
"What are you busy with, who else have you not told me about, and why do you even keep me around?"
"Im building a model of a part I need to test and I keep you here to learn things that I don't know."
"I thought you knew everything already..."
"Clearly not if you've proved to me that the latex can learn extremely fast, fighting them is possible, the cure works, and who I've been living with."
"Wait... you sent me to fight them without knowing the cure works?!"
"Thats why its called a test."
"Thats not the point..."
"Then what is?"
"Why do you always seem so depressed?"
"Because of lack of sleep, constant questions, and lots of tests."

If he isnt getting sleep and he can't get out of doing tests then why doesn't he take a break. Like a vacation of some sort... "Try having a vacation?"
"To where, exactly?"
"Fair point... but cant you travel dimensions?"
"And get caught easier? As if i would do that."

Caught? That sounds like nonsense but knowing him it probably isn't...
"Caught by who?"
"Bounty hunters."
"Bounty hunters?"
"Intergalactic ones."
"They have a dumb group name?"
"Did they put your name in their name?"
"No. They just said it straight: Intergalactic Bounty Hunters"
"And assuming as dumb as they sound they abbreviated it and screwed up?"
"Right again. Its I.G.B.H. for short. Man those guys are idiots..."
"Speaking of hunting, how do you think Sharky and Dr.S are doing?"
"They are probably fine..."

With Sharky and Dr.S...

"I'm fine damnit just help me up."

As Sharky reaches to help Dr.S, a branch from an overhead tree snaps and lands in between the two of them. It begins to lean towards Dr.S while Sharky is standing up from falling backwards. Its about to hit him so he teleports out of the way.

"Are you o-"
"Shut up and hand me the syringe. Im going to dispose of the beast."

Sharky hands the syringe over and Dr.S begins to sprint at inhuman speeds before teleporting to the side of the giant latex beast, peirceing the syringe into the creature's side and pushing the plunger all the way down.

"Did... did it work?"
"Im not sure. If Dr. A wanted to get back at me he would have given me a fake cure to make us go crawling back to him. Im almost positive that he takes the whole 'saving the world' thing very seriously."
"Well the latex is gone..."

Dr. A pov

"Audio log 100. I think Dr.S might actually be Whinshire. When he comes back, if he comes back, im going to annoy him about it like Sythical does with me. It proves to be effective when he does it... Now about Sythical, he keeps asking when im going to play the trombone for him... I dont have a trombone on me and I doubt there are any intact left here... I'm also probably not good at playing anymore. I cant go get lessons in a different universe because it would take to long and I could get found by the hunters. I could try and see if my storage bunker has one but its far away and unlikely. Aside from that, the prototype that ive been working on is almost complete. I cant say much about it but im confident that it will work."

With that done, I've made 100 audio logs that mark my time here... I think i might go take a vacation like Sythical told me and go find a good trombone player to show him.

Sythical pov

Sharky and Dr.S came back as Dr. A and Hacker left. I think Dr. A actually went on vacation... Good for him. He needs it. I think Sharky wanted to talk with Dr. A because he asked me a few questions about him.

Either way, Dr. A is on a small break and probably not coming back for a few days... All it means for me is i get to look at the things he's been working on and bother Dr.S.

"Sythical? Where did Dr. A go?"
"Dr. A went on a vacation."
"Why. I told him he needs to get that cure made fast."
"Probably to get away from you, Dr. S. All you do is yell and try and correct people."
"Well... I guess you aren't entirely wrong about that..."
"Im going to raid Dr. A's room now. He never shares what he's making."
"Have fun... I guess?"

I walk away from the two of them to see what Dr. A has been up to. I start by going through his workbench drawings and drawers. I figured out where he keeps getting tasers from... He has an entire drawer full of them... Same with car batteries... After that, I start going through his creations and machinery to find something of interest. Most of the things are half finished robots and gizmos. However, there was one that caught my eye in particular, in which was a protogen visor and half of one next to it. I grab them both and go to Dr. A's desk, sitting down and begin to tinker with them. The full visor has a few programing errors and a few wrong wires that I fixed with ease. The half visor on the other hand, was directly identical to half of my visor and when I held it up to look through it, it showed some form of targeting system that highlighted a few things as I looked around.

Sharky pov

I've learned how to get into the overhead vent systems because of Sythical and now Im using them to spy on him? This feels wrong. Very wrong... I dont know much about Sythical but Im too scared to ask him questions. So here I am crawling through the vents as carefully as possible as to not make noise. Ive had the vents mapped out for a while now so I know how to get to Dr. A's room.


Someone should realy clean these vents. My sunglasses are getting covered in dust... I stop crawling and look through the grate in the vent in Dr. A's room where Im able to see Sythical sitting at a desk supposedly making something. He stands up and holds what looks like an exact half of his visor up to his own. He reaches out infront of him, looking at his hand through the visor, before turning up to look at the vent, looking directly at me. In a panic I crawl backwards, hoping he didn’t see me. Soon after Sythical opens the vent and jumps in, flashlight taped to his visor.

"Sharky? What are you doing in the vents?"
"I- I uhh... J- just cleaning! Hehe..."
"We all know these vents never get cleaned. What were you really doing in here, above Dr. A's room?"
"I was... I was checking on you? I really don't feel like saying spying. That just sounds wrong..."
"Well if you wanted to come talk to me you could have done it by walking through the door."
"Should we... maybe hop out of the vents?"
"Probably... Dont want them to break."

We hop down and awkwardly stand there for a few seconds.
"So. What was it that you came here for, Sharky?"
"I wanted to see if we could be friends!"
"Well the answer is yes! Now I have a question for you."
"Go ahead?"
"What are we going to do?"

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