Chapter 6: fragments of life

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Dr. A pov

High noon, half finished robots, room like a junk yard, and a weird space robot called a protogen. Guess this is my life now. Barely managed to finish the audio log before sythical came in. He must have met Tim. Tim is just annoying. He doesn't do much but is also almost never here. I'm starting to like this sythical guy. He's helpful and kind of nice, he knows a lot about machines and robots. He even helped me find my missing wrench that keeps disappearing so that's a good thing...

I keep trying to write as much as I can in my diary but it's hard to do when I make audio logs as well... and Sythical? He's the kind of person that makes it feel like time passes so slowly and I hate it. He spends most of his time asking me questions and almost never leaves the room. He makes me teach him math and how to read.

I guess I never payed much attention to him because one time I left the room for a while, I came back to see him looking a lot better than before. The crash probably damaged him and broke things because the time I came back, some of his screens were brighter and he had bandages around one of his ears... I thought he said he hates bandages...

I suppose I should write about who exactly I am. Even if nobody reads it... by the time this is read, if anyone finds it, I'm most likely still alive. I'm immortal but I am also technically dead. I make robots for fun and I'm wanted across multiple universes by a group called "I.G.B.H." they aren't the smartest... My name... I just go by Dr. A so I don't have to keep hearing my name. I suppose I could have just shown the file but most of that I corrupted...

Nobody knows what day it is. We only know the year, which is 20XX. Something never feels right but I never know what.

I put down my pen and close my diary. 'That's enough writing for tonight'

Sythical pov

I don't think Dr. A likes me... I feel like he keeps loosing his wrench on purpose just for me to go find it and leave the room... here's a good example, one time, he told me to go find the wrench and I later found it in a vent, on the other side of the facility. He's not a bad person, he just hates me.

I find a lot of fascination in humans but there is something about Dr. S that doesn't seem human... Dr. A keeps saying I'll get used to it but I disagree... something about the fact that he keeps falling to the floor as I enter the room tells me that something is going on... This time is different. This time I'm using an x-ray to see what he is doing before I enter.

I open the door and sure enough...


Alright. Let's get this done with... "you know, if you're going to fly, then fly. You don't have to keep it a secret."

"Fly? What do you mean fly?"

"Oh please. You fall almost every time I enter the room. Plus I watch you flying with an x-ray thing."

"Alright fine. Yes, I can fly. To be honest, I can do more than fly. I am a god."

Well that's new information... "So you can do anything?"


"Including teleport?"


"And you can teleport anywhere?"

"Take my hand"

This went somewhere I wasn't expecting... I don't think I should make him mad so... I proceed to do as he says and he teleports me to Dr. A's room. And I feel dizzy. Nearly fell over but when I regained my balance, Dr. S was gone and Dr. A now stood in front of me.

"First time teleporting?"

"No. It's just the fact that the first time I did it, I was unconscious"

"Same difference. You need something?"

"No. I'm just going to go over to my part of the room and do my own thing for a while"

"Fine by me. Oh... by the way, what are the bandages for? I thought you had told me that you hate bandages"

Not a question I was expecting... "My ear was damaged from the impact. A lot of my parts were damaged so I've been repairing them..."

I walk over to my side of the room and sit down. As I removed the bandages from my now healed ear, I couldn't help but notice that Dr. A was looking at me.

"Where are you from?"

"I've told you this. It's a floating space rock island"

"What's it called?"

"I can't remember. I think it's called Vulcan or something like that"

"And you said it looks like one of the old nuclear power plants from Earth?"


"I uh... I'll be right back"

And as I thought it reached the maximum weirdness, he pulled out a strange device and shot what looks to be a small wormhole onto the wall. It was green and spinning and he stepped through it... As I'm about to go back to what I was doing, he steps back through, covered in what looks to be oil...

"Dr. A why do you have a gun... and why are you covered in oil?"

"Let's just say... 'It's nothing personal kid' "

That just answered both questions...

"Let me get this straight. You made a portal gun that can travel between universes and dimensions, found the person who kicked me, and killed them?"


G r e a t. . . I'm friends with a God, a psycho, and a mass murder minded mechanic... I let out a small sigh and went back to what I was doing. My radio was still down and I needed that fixed sooner than later, so I got to work.

Dr. A pov

I'm taking my log device to a different room for another audio log and I manage to over hear Dr. S talking with someone. Seems like it was radio communication...

"You're telling me, you plan on sending yourself to my facility in a box? That's the stupidest thing you've said all night... no I don't think it's a good idea... most of the packages I get are dropped from planes... if you say so..."

Another facility member. Great. I continue walking and get to the room I was headed for. Time to set this up and record this piece of shit. Why do I still use the old one... I can easily make one that is ten times as efficient. Oh well, time to record...

"Audio log 75. Someone eles is coming to the facility via shipping... strange way but it might be the safest with the latex infection outside. Wonder who it could be. Upon further investigation, I've found out that sythical and one form of latex creature are basically the exact same. They both screech when scared, they both think allowed in weird quiet beeps and boops, and they look identical. The only difference is colors... something is going on and I have a plan to figure it out. I just need to capture and contain one type of latex creature as well as create a few more temporary latex to see what makes them look like that. Sythical has been acting really weird lately. Wearing bandages and being a lot more happy. Something is definitely happening. That's all for now. Dr. A out."


AAAH! I started high in the rankings of my tags, fell way down, and it's climbing back up! And dont forget to leave any form of feedback! I'm also going to be helping a friend with a video series they plan on remaking by voice acting! "If I was in gravity falls" is what it's called and I believe it's a gacha thing. All I know for sure is that I'm voicing dipper! Hope yall have a wonderful day/night!

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