Why a third one?!

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Rengoku was awoken by the sound of someone walking around in the kitchen. He exited his room with his sword.

He then saw a man with no shoes, Wearing baggy clothes, messy black hair, pale skin, and dark circles under his eyes looking in the fridge.

He drew his sword and that got the man's attention. He then looked at rengoku completely unfazed

"Oh. I'm sorry. Did I wake you?"

Rengoku stared at the man in confusion

'Does this man not realize I have a sword? And he's apologizing for waking me up. Does he not realize he's broken into lexa's house?'

"I'm sorry I came in uninvited but it started raining and it was cold. I'm also really hungry."

Rengoku looked away

'I don't think he's going to do anything. His body looks frail and I don't think lexa would be mad about somebody seeking shelter from harsh whether. But is this man from another world like me and dabi?'

"Hello? Can you talk or are you mute?"

Rengoku snapped out of his thought

"Apologies. I got lost in thought."

"I tend to do that too...I hope you don't mind if I stay here for the night. Wherever 'here' is."

"Of course! Let me go check with the house owner."

Rengoku then walked off into lexa room

He saw lexa sound asleep

He was about to walk over to her when he saw a plush of his fellow hashira Tomioka.

He admired it for a second and then actually walked over to lexa to wake her up.

He softly shook lexa

"Lexa there is something very important happening."

Lexa groaned and flipped over to her other side and brought her blanket up more

"Go get dabi then...*yawn* let me sleep more."

"But you have to be there."

"Why me?"

"It might be another anime character?"

Lexa turn to her side and sat up

"Are you serious?"

"Yes. Very!"

"That was a rhetorical question."

Lexa then got out of bed

'Please let it be someone that won't be difficult or crazy.'

As she walked into the kitchen she couldn't believe her eyes and slapped herself awake. Then looked again

'OH MY GOSH! L from death note! Okay I'm am so glad that I got up for this.'

"Are you the house owner?"

"Uh...kinda. It's my grandparents house but their out so I'm in charge for now."

"Sorry for coming in uninvited."

"It's really okay. That storm looks pretty bad."

L then pulled out pudding

"Do you mind if I have this?"

"Of course not. Help yourself."

He sat at the table in his signature position and started eating the pudding.

"Isn't that uncomfortable?"

Rengoku asked

"It's used to be. But I've been doing for so long that I'm used to it."

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