Seriously another anim- wait your not from an anime?!

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(Okay for my readers. Im sorry but I might be adding in videogame characters. I'm sorry but it sounds like so much fun! I hope you will still read and enjoy the story. Anyway onto the story!)

It's been a couple days since we've been back. Everything went back to the way it was. I was currently getting ready to go on a walk cause I was extremely bored. I would normally take Merida with me but she was at the groomers. For once I actually remembered.

I left the house and drove to the park.


I was just walking around enjoying the scenery. I was thinking about life and the anime characters.
I was thinking how on earth am I going to get them back or even if I can get them back. I felt bad cause even if I do, two of them I know will die. They would be safer here but then some many lives would be lost back in their home dimensions.

I was bumming myself out when I felt something weird on my leg. I look to see what seemed to be bunch of hair but then I saw a single eye. Indeed I was definitely creeped out.

A normal person would tear it off and run away. But my normal life was gone and so I was no longer a normal person. Beside, the thing seemed familiar to me. I picked it up and held it in my hand. It seemed happy?

"Where did you even come from?"

I looked around for anybody. But then I thought how bad of an idea of bringing it with me could be, I could attract some dangerous creature and get myself killed. Besides I don't even know what it is.

"Sorry little guy but I can't keep you, I'm sure somebody will- wait what's that your doing...why are giving me that look? Wha-"

It looked up at me with these sad eye and I don't know what it was doing but I think it was upset and was crying? With no tears not sure.

The guilt pierced me like an arrow. I truly felt bad

I picked it up

"I'm sorry I'm sorry."

I petted it to make it feel better. It looked back at me with a pleading eye. I sighed in defeat

"I guess I can take you. Your kinda cute, in a weird way..."

I started walking back to my car, it seemed very happy

"So what even are you? Some kind of creature."


I heard someone behind me

"What's that?"

They were mentioning the weird creature in my hand

'Come on lexa come up with something!'

Then I had a idea

"Oh this is just a puppy. Yeah."

"Is it yours?"


"Where's it collar?"

"I'm going to the pets store to get one right now, their old one broke a couple days ago. Welp have a nice day."

My roommates are fictional characters from a different dimension?! Where stories live. Discover now