Yes! A female finally!

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Lexa jolted awake to the sound of something shattering

"Hey watch where your going!"

"I was in the kitchen first!"

Lexa got up and saw dabi and hawks arguing.

Doe trying to cook something but it seemed like it was burning.

Rengoku trying to put the dishes away but in random places not organized at all

And just candy rappers everywhere.

"Alright everyone out of the kitchen."

Lexa said

Dabi and hawks where walking out still arguing

"Darling wait. I'm cooking breakfast-"

"No your not."

Lexa said as she started pushing doe away from the stove.

She looked at what he was cooking.

"What are you even making."

It was completely Burnt and she couldn't make out what it was.


Doe said happily.

" This is not a pancake."

She said throwing it away

"What did I do wrong?! I cooked it!"

"Well doe, you got to cook it a certain way."

Doe titled his head confused.

Lexa then saw what rengoku was doing. He was putting the plates where the cups go

"Rengoku the plates don't go there."

"Huh? But there are dishes in here?"

"Yes but that cabinet is for cups. The one for plates are over here."

Lexa said pointing at a cabinet

Rengoku then put the plates in the right cabinet

Lexa then got a broom and cleaned up all the candy wrappers putting them in the recycling bin.

She then noticed how messy the rest of the house was.

"I seriously need another female in this house or else I'll go insane."

Just then there was a knock on the closet door

Lexa then put her face into her hands and groaned

"Me and my big mouth."

Dabi and hawks were in the living room still arguing so they didn't hear. L was probably in his room. So only doe, rengoku, and lexa heard


Doe whined

"It seems we have a new person in the closet."

Rengoku commented

Lexa went up to the closet and knocked on it hoping something just feel


She asked

"Hi! Who's there?"

She heard. The voice sounded very feminine

Lexa gave a confused looked and opened her closet. Then gasped

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