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"You seriously let him build this?"

Lucifer asked

"Well he really wanted it, and Satan doesn't ask for much."

Lexa told Lucifer.

"I suppose that's fair."

Satan said looking at the contraption satan build for frostbite.

Satan passed by lexa one day while she was on her phone watching TikTok and a video popped up of a cat owner building little things for his cat. Satan saw it and practically begged lexa to build it. She offered to buy the supplies but she wasn't going to build. Satan accepted that and built it himself

(Video for reference:

Satan was now leading frostbite through the contraption, smiling.

"Plus I'd do anything to put a smile on his face."

Lexa added and Lucifer smiled at her, he loved how much she loved and cherished his brothers.

Merida then came rubbing up against Lucifer's and lexa's leg.

"Would you perhaps like to join me on taking Merida for a walk?"

Lucifer asked lexa.

Normally lexa would reject but since it's been warmer recently she accepted. Plus nagito told her about a lake him and Bennett found and she's been wanting to see it.

"Sure, a walk sounds nice."


While walking lexa was talking with Lucifer and it was actually peaceful. Lucifer brought calmness like L and not crackhead energy like a lot of the other roommates. Now lexa loved mitsuri and rengoku, thier energy was nice but a bit much at times. Doe is pretty self-explanatory, Zack is always yelling, dabi seems to always causing trouble, hawks kinda
Mixes with everyone else's energy which doesn't help. Most of the brothers are a bit of a hassle.

But this moment was calm and peaceful, just the sound of nature, Lucifer's clam voice and just the breath of fresh air lexa is getting, she feels as though she is ascending.

"You seem very happy right now."

Lucifer pointed out

"I am."

Lexa answered smiling

"Let me guess...your glad to get a moments of peace?"

Lucifer smirked

"Yeah. It can be a bit tiring at times, and by that I mean all the time."

Lexa chuckled and Lucifer laughed along and patted her head.


When they got back, everything was...quiet. But not like a secretive quiet, just a calm domestic quiet.

No yelling Zack, no yelling rengoku, not a hyperactive mitsuri, not a mischievous dabi, no scheming mammon, no angry satan, no doe tackling lexa to the floor.

"Do you hear that?"

Lexa asked Lucifer

"Yes I do. And it's incredible."

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