|01| To Victory

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Chapter 1!


This first chapter will echo the movie in showing us key moments in my OC, Victoria's, life like with Spock and Kirk at the start of the film. There will be more of a description of the OC later in this chapter.


I hope you enjoy :)


It had been a...strenuous labor. Which was to be expected, neither father nor mother had ever thought they'd even be there, in the medical bay of a Starship, with her in labor. Because they had never expected to experience the labor at all. They had been told, quite a few times, that it would be rather difficult for her to conceive a child, not impossible, but it would be hard, it would take a long while, and it might not happen. But they had tried, they'd kept trying and kept hoping and, after years of it...they'd finally managed it.

They had been so thrilled, truly ecstatic to find that they were really going to have a child. But because of the difficulty conceiving, they had been sure to take enormous precautions with the pregnancy in general. Vitamins, bed-rest, relaxing activities, no stress at all, and frequent trips to the physicians for scans and progress reports and so many other things just to ensure that they'd actually have the baby in the end. They were not going to risk this gift they'd been given.

And there they were, exhausted (the labor itself had lasted 37 hours), but proud and so happy that they finally had their child in their arms, both their arms. The proud father was sitting beside his wife on the bed of the medbay, his one arm around her shoulders as she leaned on him, his other around the small bundle in pink resting in their arms.

It was a girl.

They were surprised, had wanted to be surprised, about the gender. They'd both gotten the small feeling it might be a boy though, given how hard the baby could kick, but they were both just thrilled that they had their baby now, that it was alive and healthy and safe and with them and they couldn't be happier. Girl or boy, it made no difference because it was average weight, with ten fingers and ten toes and a healthy set of lungs...it HAD to be healthy given how loudly it had screamed and cried when it arrived.

Oh they could just imagine the sleepless nights to come, but they were looking forward to it very much, the chance to be parents, to be good parents.

"What should we name her?" he wondered, they hadn't planned any names really. They wanted to just...take a moment to hold the baby and see what names came to mind, what names suited it, her.

"Hmm..." she hummed, "Anything EXCEPT..." she pointed a tired finger warningly at her husband, "Starships. We are NOT naming our daughter Farragut or Hood or Antares..."

He chuckled, he HAD made a few suggestions of a similar sort when they'd first found out they were expecting, but the more...normal names, the ones that could have been names, but he could understand his wife was joking about the 'out there names' but that she truly didn't want a name associated with Starfleet. It was partially his own fault, he came from a very long line of Starfleet cadets, commanders, and captains, nearly everyone in his family for generations was involved in Starfleet in some way, shape, or form. It was quite the 'family business' so to speak.

Starfleet, until he'd met her and until this moment, had been his life. It was, well, it was STILL his life, but as equal a part as she and their daughter were. He had actually met her through Starfleet, they had been assigned to the same Starship, had worked side by side, gotten to know each other, and just...fallen in love. They'd gotten married and continued their careers in the Fleet as well. He was on the cusp of being assigned the captain position he'd coveted for ages, and she was making her way up the ranks in the engineering department.

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