🪁|07| Delta Vega

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Chapter 7 x

This is my favourite chapter I've written so far, enjoy ! X

Kirk winced as he slowly came to, blinking blearily as he tried to move...only to realize three things. The first was that it was a little dark where he was, making it hard to see. The second was that he was in a small sort of escape pod which explained why he couldn't really move. And the third...was that Victoria was cramped right in front of him, literally pressed against him. Apparently, whoever had sent them both off the Enterprise hadn't exactly thought to put them in two separate pods.

"Victoria?" he shifted trying to shake her awake without touching anything inappropriate, "Victoria?" he shifted, managing to get his arm, which was stuck behind his back for some reason, free and bring it up to her, touching her shoulder, actually shaking her, "Victoria," he sighed when she didn't wake still and took a moment to just look at her.

She was knocked out, as far as he could see, he could kind of make out a small puncture mark in her neck and let out a long breath, knowing that Bones or someone else had probably given her a sedative. Her right arm was curled up to her chest, her face relaxed in sleep. For a brief moment...he didn't want to wake her. She looked so...peaceful and just, well, beautiful. She did that a lot at times, fall asleep on him, on his shoulder, on his lap, on his chest, depending on the position. He always hated to wake her up mostly because of how she looked when she was sleeping...partially because, depending how he did it, she might punch him as she jerked awake.

Before he even realized he was doing it, he'd reached up and gently touched her cheek, softly stroking her cheek with a thumb, smiling as he saw her starting to wake up. He turned his hand over, letting his knuckles graze across her cheek lightly, "Victoria."

Her face scrunched a moment before she blinked awake, "James?"

"Hey," he murmured, his voice hushed.

She frowned, and moved to touch his cheek like he was her, only to wince and pull her arm in closer to her chest, "Ow..."

"What happened?" he pulled his hand from her cheek and reached out for her hand, touching it as lightly as he could, already able to see the bruises in the darkness.

"I um...punched Spock," she muttered.

"What?" he nearly laughed at that, probably would have too if not for the shock he was feeling.

"Yeah," he could see the blush on her cheeks as well, "Um, sort of had to."

"Why'd you have to punch him?"

"Besides the subcontext of 'punch me, punch me' every time he opens his mouth?" she gave him a look, making him chuckle, "It was um..."

He waited but she didn't finish, "What?"

She took a breath, "They wouldn't have listened to me to go get Pike either," she said quickly, "And they would have just detained me and made me feel useless or they'd expel me from the ship too hours after you so I had to punch him so that he'd send me out WITH you."

He blinked, "And you're not useless here?"

She shrugged as much as she could in the cramped space, neither of them seeming to have noticed it after waking just how close they were, "Seems to be my life's goal to keep you alive," she murmured, "Makes me useful to you."

He smiled, "You're more than just useful Tory."

She returned his smile with a small one of her own, "And you're more than just a pain in my ass Jim."

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