|08| Kiss And Tell

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Chapter 8 x


1 year ago...

Bones was supposed to be having a good time. That was the point of dragging him out of his dorm room and into the only club within walking distance of the Academy. It was the anniversary of his divorce and he, being a grumpy son-of-a-gun most of the time, was worse today. So, of course, Kirk's idea of the perfect way to resolve that was to get the man as drunk as possible till he started singing sea shanties and thinking he was a cowboy...

Neither Uhura nor Victoria were sure what Kirk meant by that or that it was possible to get Bones THAT drunk. But there they were, going to the club with Kirk and Bones, if just to try and keep the men in line. Bones they didn't think they had to worry about, the man tended to just nurse a drink or two all night in a brooding way. Kirk was the one they were really going for, they had to make sure he didn't get kicked out of the Academy for getting plastered and starting a fight...which admittedly seemed to be his habit when drunk. Uhura had actually been surprised at how adamant Victoria had been in insisting they go with the boys as 'support' for Bones and chaperones for Kirk, emphasis on watching Kirk. Victoria had just defended that in saying that if Kirk was expelled...her only source of amusement would be gone.

Uhura was sure THAT was the reason for it. Still, it had been amusing for HER to see Kirk's reaction to them not in Cadet uniforms. It was...weird, to think that, the typical uniforms usually left little to the imagination, even less when they were members of an actual ship. She'd actually tried to launch a petition to make the women's uniforms less about dresses and more about pants...or at the very least, make the skirts longer. It was ridiculously hard to run in such a short skirt without fear of the back flying up as you went. Though she had to admit, Victoria did have one point in actually defending the uniforms. If they ever faced some sort of enemy chasing them, all they had to do was run faster than at least one man and they'd be safe...because the man would be so distracted by the woman in front of him and be easily caught...which would serve him right for looking and being that distracted in the first place.

Victoria had a weird mind, though she was sure it was more the amount of pleasure she got in seeing Kirk stumbling as they ran, when the boy would chase her because she stole an apple from him or plucked a book out of his hand or something. They were both weird, now that she thought about it. She honestly had no idea what had happened between the two of them that they were suddenly talking more than shouting, plotting together with heads bowed than trying to get back at each other, teaming up against those who harassed and annoyed them than taking those threats on alone and dragging the other into it. She'd thought they hated each other, but one particular detainment a year ago and they were almost...friends.

That was an odd thought, Victoria and Kirk friends. She'd asked Victoria about it once or twice and she insisted they were just at a truce, that they'd formed a sort of alliance, were partners and that was it. She'd HAD to remark that partners could mean quite a few things and gave Victoria a teasing look. She'd laughed for hours after at watching her friend stuttering and going on a rant about how she and James T. Kirk would NEVER work. It amused her more because there were little crumbs of actual compliments in her rant. She's shout about how he was still arrogant and brilliant and cocky, or how he was crude, suggestive, charming, and vulgar at the same time, and finishing that he was a slob/mess/handsome/such a boy! She'd laughed so hard because Victoria hadn't even realized what she'd said even after she'd finished her rather long winded rant. It had only made her more sure that Victoria actually DID like Kirk...she was just swimming in a certain river in Egypt at the moment though.

But it had given her a new perspective when she watched them, she saw the way they looked at each other, how Kirk would stare at her. And she hadn't been disappointed at his reaction to the two of them (Victoria more) in their more causal clothing. Victoria's entire idea of casual and non-uniform meant not getting into her uniform at all and just lounging around in her pajamas whenever she could help it. If she didn't have to leave the room, she stayed in her pajamas and robe. Kirk had seen her like that various times. It actually shocked her a few times to see the two of them on weekends and other off days.

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