|09| Father Figures

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Chapter 9 x


Kirk nearly stumbled back as Victoria tripped against him, both of them unsteady from the sudden shift in transport without a proper pad to balance them...not to mention that they'd just transported onto a ship mid-warp, it was enough to knock anyone on their backside, but luckily Kirk had been there to catch her.

"Honestly," he rolled his eyes playfully, "Always falling for me huh?"

"More like falling ON you," she countered, pushing herself off him to stand on her own, before noticing something, "Where's Scotty?"

Kirk nearly rolled his eyes again at that before seeing that she was right, Scotty WASN'T there, "Mr. Scott!" he called out. There was a soft banging noise from somewhere but they still didn't see him, "Mr. Scott can you hear us?!"

They both froze, hearing something like a pounding behind them and turned to see Scotty trapped in one of the large coolant pipes distributing water. The poor man was banging his fists against the glass, trying to get out, holding his breath.

"Uh..." Kirk blinked, "Uh...hold on a second!" he looked around, but Scotty was sucked further down the pipe.

"No!" Victoria took off running upon seeing that.

"What?" Kirk ran after her.

"James I'm in engineering!" she called back to him, "I know the ship's internal systems, and that pipe...it leads to the turbine!"

Kirk nearly stopped running at that, but kept going, looking back over his shoulder to see Scotty being pulled through the current, his gaze rushing ahead of the pipe to see...a giant, spinning turbine, just like Victoria said.

"What do we do?" he looked back at her.

"I've got it covered," she ran right of one of the control computers, quickly inputting a command, and looking up as a loud buzz went off.

"Turbine release valve activated," a computerized voice announced and suddenly one of the panels only feet away from the turbine opened, releasing Scotty and a splash of water, before closing quickly again.

"You alright?" Kirk ran for the man, but Scotty wasn't moving, "Mr. Scott!"

"Scotty!" Victoria ran to his side as well, the two of them turning the man over, but he wasn't breathing. Victoria quickly looked at Kirk, "CPR! Now!"

Kirk nodded and clasped his hands together in the proper position, before doing compressions on Scotty, counting to five before nodding at Victoria, who took a breath and leaned in, tilting Scotty's head back and pinching his nose, breathing into his mouth...

It surprised them both how quickly Scotty coughed up the water and rolled on his side, "You alright?" Kirk asked, patting the man on the back as he helped him sit up.

"My heads buzzing," Scotty coughed a little more, "And I'm soaked, and now my ribs hurt...but otherwise I'm fine!" he glanced at Victoria and gave her a cheeky grin, "Got a wee kiss from a beautiful Lass to make up for that though."

Victoria blinked a moment, frowning, "Were you...faking?!"

Scotty grinned slyly at that, "Maybe..." he answered slowly, "How else would I win a kiss from a fair maiden."

Victoria raised an eyebrow at that, "Why settle for one then?" she crossed her arms, he could have kept pretending to be dead, she'd have to have kept giving him mouth-to-mouth as Kirk did the compressions.

"Like I'd risk anymore on Mr. Chiseled Chin over there," he nodded back at Kirk who was now glaring at the man, "No hard feelings Laddie," Scotty grinned, "You'd best expect quite a few men to want to steal a kiss from a girl like her."

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