CHAPTER 5 - theories

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I spent 12 hours learning how to hack

It was from seven at night to seven in the morning. I tried to learn because I was wondering if I could somehow get into whoever caught grace. It didn't go out so well. I mean what does </bix> mean?

I don't know.

After getting two hours of sleep, I knock sounded at my door. I would have totally thought it was just Ceasar wanting to do things but then I remember "Ceasar is in my guest room"

Ceasar, after finding out my big bad secret, wanted to help me find grace. He told me that he was going to sleep over with me to try and find info about the whereabouts of grace. We didn't find anything though. The knock sounded again. I groggily get out of my comfortable bed and try to look at awake as possible as I stroll toward the door. I open it to see someone with an envelope "to Mr....Zatacha. It's from a place that I can't get info from. Anyway have a nice day!" the mail man walks off the porch. I close the door and look at the letter. The address is one I can't recognize. I open the letter

"You have three days until your secret is out. Grace is right here beside me. Wouldn't it be sad if...I don't know...your secret was found by the world? I control the internet Alex. You can't stop me from being the richest man in the world. Selling a single feather would get me billions. Selling a single feather would mean that people would start developing theories, that there are actual phoenixes here. How about that? Phoenixes would lose their popularity after two years or less. Then they'll be common. No one will care LESS about what you are.

Why am I delaying the big show and tell? Because I want to test your friendship with something not as human as you. To see what happens with you two.

I think I would like this show

With much love


I crunch up the letter and burn it. After that, I take the envelope, cut out the address,

Then burned the rest of the envelope

I put in the address in google and two things pop up. Google maps, and YouTube

I click on the YouTube link. It takes me to a video with Zach "this video is for someone named Alex Zatacha. If you're watching this, I hope you've read my letter to you. Grace is here. If you want her, you can come and get her" then suddenly I hear a scream and grace gets shoved into the camera view "GRACE!" I shout into the computer screen "you see her? She's here" Zach says

"Oh, do you see this phone?" Zach pulls out an iPhone "I can phone the news reporters, I can phone the military, I can phone the government. Those three things I can phone to bring out this little girls little secret she has to keep. I will give you three days to get over here and stop me. Because if you don't, your lover will be the laughing stock of the town" Zach chuckles as he reaches over to the camera to stop the recording.

I scroll down to the comments section. 114 comments were posted, mostly of questions of "what is her secret? Lol" and "my name is Alex" and "I would bang her"

I sigh and close the YouTube link, I'm back to google.

I go to google maps and the marker is far north. I sigh. I can't fly over there in three days

What's faster than a bird heading north...?

"A train? Maybe?" I suddenly hear, I jump "JESUS CHRIST" I shout "Ceasar don't DO THAT!" Ceasar chuckles "sorry. But yeah, wouldn't a train be faster? I know a route that goes up there in two days" Ceasar gets up from the chair he was sitting in "I mean...if you want to" I nod "yeah. We don't know what's up Zach's sleeve. For all we know he could just bombard us with whatever in the sly, flying or plane. If we stick to the ground..."

Ceasar isn't there

"We'll be safe on the ground..." I finish silently. Was that all in my head?

Ceasar then comes into the room "hey Alex..." he says. He sounds really tired "morning...did you find anything?" I think for a little bit, a train would be way faster than flying, if I were to fly there, then I would have to deal with harsh winds, storms, and plain navigation. Trains can be way better "do you know any trains that go far north?" Ceasar raises an eyebrow "we need to go north. Near the top border. A train could get us there in less than three days. We have three days to get there and save grace" Ceasar raises his hands "wait slow down. What's your idea?"

"Grace is going to have her secret told to the world in three days' time, she's being held far north near the northern BC border. A train could get us there in less than three days. Right? RIGHT?!"

Ceasar tilts his head while looking away, he seemed to be thinking of something "...I believe there is one train we could take that would go to the you know about the snowcap train?"

Her name was grace (book 1 of &quot;flight of fire&quot;)Where stories live. Discover now